I will do my best to wait for the whole thing to play out, but I have a feeling my worries prior to this will play out as expected … I’ve DEFINITELY made sure to lower my expectations afters BOBF … and it helps.
Ewan is good, little Leia is alright … she seems like such a small 10 year old, even my wife agreed she seemed so young! Hahah! But her character is fine for me. (Though the wood chase scene was pretty bad.). As a “sheltered” kid her untamed personality does make a bit of sense. And with this idea of “sheltered” kids, it does help make sense why Luke has no idea what a Jedi is as he grew up … since Owen literally freaked out he didn’t see Luke for like 5 seconds. That was a good call.
I am not a fan of all the inquisitors … I think its a mix of their look, acting and … direction? They seem kinda pointless and not what they are. Especially with Reva right now … I’ll wait till it plays out … but knowing the leaks I won’t be too keen on this. As for her knowing who Vader is, at first I was irritated, but my guess is we’ll see a flashback of Youngling Reva who probably saw a mix of Anakin, Obi Wan and Bail Organa to put these pieces together and why literally no one else is figuring things out. That will certainly help instead of it just being “Cuz she did” and “reasons.”
Grand Inquisitor is fine, the species have 2 stomachs so he’ll probably just be AFK for an episode, or whole, and it’s Vader turn to come out now.
It’s really, really important at the end Leia does not know that “Ben” is Obi Wan and that Luke does not interact with Obi OR see any lightsabers … time will tell… I Just don’t want Disney/Lucasfilm to keep disregarding Canon for “reasons”.