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Post #1484861

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The Force Awakens: Starlight (V1.1 Released!)
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Date created
18-May-2022, 11:06 AM

Fine ideas! I had placed some chatter in the Rey deleted scene at the end of the film, so it would only be a matter of recording another line to reference Holdo.

And you’re right, nobody was ever chummy with Vader, but did Vader ever discuss his fear about the Force power of his rivals to his underlings? I only ever recall him sending his concerns up the ladder, so to speak, to Tarkin or the Emperor. And no underling would voice their private fears to Vader because he was a genuinely terrifying figure.

I actually see this as an opportunity to reveal the difference between Vader and Kylo. Kylo is the pretender operating in the shadow of Vader, so I imagine people don’t so much fear him as they merely try to avoid him. He’s like an unpredictable, toxic manager who (to take an example from my own ex-boss) flies into a rage when the office printer doesn’t work quite like he wants and he throws it into the dumpster. The farthest we see him go against an underling in this film is when one gives him terrible news and he chokes the poor guy. But he doesn’t actually kill anyone that works for him, unlike Vader.

All this to say, Kylo is already breaking the Vader image by speaking at all about the Force to his underlings. At least if the trooper initiates the subject it would feel like an actual scene and not just another info dump, which we have just had with the Senate Response scene.

Maybe I could change the trooper line to be less familiar, though.

“Sir, all troops are converging on the cell block. But if the rumors about her are true…”
“Sir, all troops are converging on the cell block. Are the rumors about this girl true?”
“She’s just beginning to touch her powers. The longer it takes to find her, the more dangerous she becomes.”