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Post #1483532

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4K77 v1.0 vs 4K77 v1.4 - Why the different color grades?
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Date created
9-May-2022, 5:40 PM

CatBus said:

Version numbers on 4K77 aren’t iterations, they’re variations. In other words, 1.6 is NOT considered to be the latest and greatest, just a different “branch” following a different color correction approach. 1.4 is also a branch which is just as current in its own way, just with different color correction. The biggest difference between any of these versions is typically the colors.

It takes a little getting used to. In other projects and software, higher numbers are always the version to get, superseding previous versions. Not so with 4Kxx. Although major version changes (i.e. 2.0) may indicate something worth forgetting about previous versions for.

It’s anarchy, sheer anarchy 😉

I got that, but I was wondering, why different people had different color grades of 4k77? Having seen 1.0, the green technicolor is really beautiful, although a bit distracting with some crushed blacks and all. However, 1.4 seems to have more of a natural/blue-ish tint to it. Is one more faithful to the theatrical experience? All of this I wonder, as I wish to show these versions to friends/family one day and say, ‘‘this is the way they saw it back in the day’’. But which one? lol