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Post #70521

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Original Soundtrack
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Date created
9-Oct-2004, 7:13 AM

Originally posted by: Darth Simon
Hi, Just joined up, love the original movies and the more lucas changes it the more detached im getting we need the originals on dvd!!!

which brings me to my point, I was reading some of the information on various release versions of the trilogy on this page http://www.davisdvd.com/misc/ep4.htm
and it was talking about the sound track being changed in about '82. Well the main change im referring to is with c-3po in the death star and i cant remember the line exactly but its along the lines of 'the tractor beem is powered at 7 locations, a power loss at one of them will result in it being disabled' (yeah i butchered the line, sorry ) but the point being...in the original theatrical releases, is this line there? Ive always remembered the line being in the movie, even on the faces edition, which is the first edition ive owned on tape (so sad isnt it) and ive mainly only seen that version and the one shown on tv.

That line was only on a handful of releases(like the 92 release I own). It was not on the Faces set, so it's odd you remember it if that's all you have.


So basically 2 questions here.

1) What version do i have to get/watch for it to be completely like the original theatrical release?

A pre-ANH bootleg. The original version was never on video. Also, there's several audio mixes of this film, that it's astounding. There's really no definative sound mix for the first film.


2) Is there any dvd 'restorations' of this version available or in the works?

Magnolia Fan is working on a pre-ANH DVD restoration last I heard.