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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 612


I’ve been loving it too, and I hope someone uploads all the voice lines from Clone Wars actors in case I can make use of any in my edit.

It’s amazing that they used the puppet show for a similar reason to our version.

The Clone Wars: Refocused | Andor: Movie Omnibus


I unfortunately lost a link to this wonderful edit. Could I get one again please? And addition of TFA Starlight link would be welcome, also. Thank you guys and keep doing great work. 😃


Jar Jar Bricks said:

Fun fact: even the new Lego Star Wars game replaces the Aki Aki puppet show with the story of the Skywalkers. In that case it’s Anakin, but same difference, really. Just thought it was cool that the devs thought along the same lines there.

Clearly the game devs view Ascendant as the canon Episode IX instead of the theatrical cut.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


The game also doesn’t reveal Chewie is alive until Rey senses him on Kijimi.


I guess I’ll have to find a way to watch the TROS portion of it. Or maybe the whole thing; it’s not like it doesn’t sound like it’d have references and gags I’d get.

EDIT: Scratch that; gameplay walkthrough is ten hours. I’ll just hear the interesting bits relevant to fan editing projects!

My stance on revising fan edits.


It’s amazing how much Lego got right. Even the slapstick humour seems to fit better than any sequel joke. Mauls legs were hilarious LOL

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All right, the day has come. Thanks for Spence, I have most of the pieces necessary to start working on the Rey Nobody variant version of Ascendant.

In Spence’s telling of the story, Rey’s parents remain drunken bastards who are irrelevant to the story. Ochi is just a Jedi hunter who happens to have the clue to Exegol, with no other meaningful ties to Rey. (His ship looks similar to the one in TFA, but this is never addressed.) Kylo reveals to Rey that her vision that disturbed her about taking the throne will indeed come to pass, implying that Palpatine knows this. Palpatine evidently told him this, keeping to himself that this is exactly what he wants to happen, which he reveals to Rey later. (Maybe for this version it’d be better to revert the reveal about essence transfer to the third act to Rey, otherwise Kylo ought to have suspected it.) Rey decides to pursue Palpatine to kill him, seemingly giving into this prophecy.

Where I plan to deviate from Spence is to avoid having Palpatine spell out for Kylo in the opening scene about essence transfer, so that the logic can be Palpatine getting Kylo to hype Rey up about coming to kill him. I’m hoping to, after the hangar reveal scene, have Rey resolve to want to kill Kylo Ren rather than Palpatine.

It doesn’t really seem possible to have Rey’s parents be noble or hide her without the Palpatine connection. Raises too many unanswered questions, and is halfway toward the destruction of TLJ’s established facts that a ‘Rey Nobody’ edit values.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Despite it being something I thought of early on, I think cutting Palpatine reverting the essence transfer line back to its original place instead of the opening scene is the right way to go.


I just had a great idea for altering one of Palpatine’s lines for the Rey Nobody version.

“Your master, Luke Skywalker was saved by his father, the only family you have here… is me.”

“Your master, Luke Skywalker was saved by his father, the only family you have… is here.”

After that cues Rey looking at the Battle of Exegol, as Palatine is referring to the Resistance, as it’s a reveal that they are here as well to her.

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


There’s one cut in Spence’s version that’s entirely independent of Rey nobody but I’d suggest for Ascendant regardless. That’s the removal of Luke’s line “A Jedi’s weapon deserves more respect.” I know it can be interpreted differently, but it still strikes me as a direct “meta” jab at The Last Jedi and how the lightsaber moment was received by the fandom. Since Ascendant has removed everything else along these lines (The Holdo Maneuver line, etc.) I think it would make sense to cut this one too.


I disagree, Octorox, I think the line is Luke ribbing his past self in a way entirely appropriate to the journey he completes by the end of TLJ.

Lawdog, I think that line might be a little weird, as it seems to draw a contrast. “Luke’s father was there and… your family is… here too?”

My stance on revising fan edits.


I once suggested Palpatine say “You have no one here,” and some skilled editor (forget who, sorry!) put together that line pretty seamlessly. Personally I found it difficult to implement into the scene once you cut out the other lines for Rey Nobody, but if someone wants to take look at how that conversation could go, would love to see it.


DominicCobb said:

I once suggested Palpatine say “You have no one here,” and some skilled editor (forget who, sorry!) put together that line pretty seamlessly. Personally I found it difficult to implement into the scene once you cut out the other lines for Rey Nobody, but if someone wants to take look at how that conversation could go, would love to see it.

It was me that stitched that line together. I honestly was never happy with how it sounded myself though.


Hal 9000 said:

All right, the day has come. Thanks for Spence, I have most of the pieces necessary to start working on the Rey Nobody variant version of Ascendant.

Ooh… I will be watching this with great interest… as I try to prepare myself for the fact that between fan-edits and watching the movie for comparison I have rewatched TROS way too many times and I’m gonna add a couple more with this.


Oh well. Just an idea that came into my head.

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


Just saying, guys… it’s not too late for yellow lightning for Rey. It would help separate her from Palpatine, and I already have the completed footage.

Eh, eh?

My stance on revising fan edits.


Mine. Do it. It’s an alternate edition anyway. I don’t think the color of lightning is gonna take anyone out of the movie. And at least it is a change motivated by the Rey Nobody idea.


The only potential conflict there is electric judgment, which is supposed to be a light side ability. Might make some viewers think she isn’t actually using the dark side.


Eh, I don’t like it, but I can live with it. Dooku had Force lightning too, and it was blue, so I don’t think there’s an inherent connection to Palpatine.

Yellow lightning just looks cartoony to me, but maybe it would look okay if it was mostly white with a very slight yellow tinge. I’m also worried about it standing out visually against the desert of Pasaana.


I like the idea of the yellow lightning, Star Wars has had multicolored lightning before (And to my knowledge really was just cosmetic.) so Rey having yellow I’m kind of down for. Really it just gives this something a little more unique than the other cut and my brain can easily make the mental adjustment if I don’t like it that much.