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Post #1482313

Darth Malgus
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Star Wars Headcanons
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Date created
1-May-2022, 2:00 PM

All this head-canons MUST be read in the context of the old Expanded Universe.

  1. We know every time Anakin was given periods of leave from military service during the Clone Wars, he took advantage of it to spend time with Padmé. Well, during a week of leave granted to him by the Council, one evening Anakin returned to Padmé’s apartment completely drunk. Since Padmé’s handmaidens all resemble her and since Anakin was completely drunk, he accidentally kissed Dormé thinking she was Padmé. No one has ever known it except Anakin, Padmé (Anakin told her later) and Dormé herself.
  2. Sabé (Padmé’s handmaiden) has a crush on Obi-Wan. It’s a completely useless head-canon, but at the same time I like to think it, because I recently read a Fanfiction based on it, and after reading it I like to think she had a crush on him hahaha. 😄
  3. I don’t take into account the Revenge of the Sith novelization, because I don’t like the way Matthew Stover portrayed Anakin and Padmé’s relationship. However, the part of the novelization In which it’s said that Anakin wanted access to the restricted section of the Temple archives is still Canon to me. So, while I don’t take into account the whole novelization, in my head canon the reasons Anakin wanted to become a Jedi master are the same as in the novelization.
  4. After Attack of the Clones, Jar Jar began taking diction lessons in order to better speak Galactic Basic. At the time in wich the events of Revenge of the Sith happened he was already able to correctly pronounce sentences like all humans, but we don’t see it because in the film he didn’t say a single word.