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Post #1482300

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The Batman: Vengeance (WIP)
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Date created
1-May-2022, 12:45 PM

Lifeincontext said:

As for the bat chase…I’d say keep it upside down, personally. It’s a pretty iconic shot. I do like cutting Batman leaning his head in though.

From other feedback I’ve received, I’d say you’re right. My next update should have the scene upside down once more.

I’d also say make the cut from Penguin’s reaction to slamming him against the wall just a tad snappier; something just feels a bit off. Perhaps either the sound effect feels like it needs a tiny bit of overlap to smooth the transition or the reaction shot could be trimmed. Something like that. It’s already good. Just a nitpick.

Great work!

Good idea! The timing of that is the same as the original, but I agree it could be snappier.

Thanks for the kind words!