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Post #67862

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Watching with my fiancee
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Date created
27-Sep-2004, 12:09 PM

She liked the Hayden thing as the ghost, I told her this is one of the most controversial changes. She said it makes more sense...this is never having heard a lucas explanation...she says that he didn't disappear like Obi-wan and Yoda when they died as Jedi. Further, she said, Obi-wan had stated in the talk with Luke in Degaboh that his father, the Jedi, did die when he turned to the dark side and was a jedi no longer. She said Luke had to burn darth before anakin arrived as a ghost. I was like damn. She's getting into this and you know, I couldn't argue that much.

OK, so then when Darth turns back to the good side, and is re-born back to Anakin, why doesn't he look like Hayden when Luke removes his helmet? There is no excuse for this. It is a F###-UP!