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It's official... — Page 5

a litter of Jimbo, Jrs.?!?!

Shoot me now.

"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic
I'm keeled over the porcelain altar just thinking about it.

Princess Leia: I happen to like nice men.
Han Solo: I'm a nice man.

I'm actually starting to feel a bit sorry for poor young Jimbo. A bit.
"The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country." - Goering.

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." - Goebbels.

"In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." - Orwell.
Feel sorry for his kids. Oh the burden those children will bear!

(Jimbo, please note the winkies)
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic
I can just imagine: jimbo the mime with his brood of 17 and long-suffering wife.

Princess Leia: I happen to like nice men.
Han Solo: I'm a nice man.

Wow, funny thing. I just read all of page 5 & I saw Jimbo shot down AGAIN. I agree w/ him slightly on his abortion topic, it needs to be the woman's coice plain & simple, but I do get a kick out of seeing him argue. Tell me, has he won any arguments? Or does he always leave the tread & stop posting?

*Giggles @ Jimbo Jrs.*
I just hate stupid people.


Petition signer # 34,865
I'm not interested in getting into a war here. But here is my opinion.

If I were of legal voting age, my vote would go to Bush and Cheney, no contest. Kerry and Edwards have blatantly lied and distorted so much and on such a regular basis it's sick. They wanna play dirty. Bastards.

My stance on revising fan edits.

Much as it goes against everything that I stand for, if I were a US citizen I'd be sorely tempted NOT to vote.

Princess Leia: I happen to like nice men.
Han Solo: I'm a nice man.

Why did I not post yesterday. You probably thought I was getting some. Unfortunitly not true but I did something almost as cool. I saw a speech by George W Bush. It was a great speach. It shows why he is fit to be our commander and chief and John Kerry is not.
So explain why Bush is fit. I'm wondering what it is that you saw (or heard) in the speech that convinced you.
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic
And isn't it Commander-in-chief?

Princess Leia: I happen to like nice men.
Han Solo: I'm a nice man.


Originally posted by: Bossk
So explain why Bush is fit. I'm wondering what it is that you saw (or heard) in the speech that convinced you.

Nothing I didn't know before. The basic stuff. Kerry is lier, a flip floper, supports faggots, taxes, and baby murderers. Bush is a strong leader who has done everything he can to protect this country and fix our economy.
I agree with Jimbo on this topic, crude as his arguments are.

I am a conservative all the way. Even so, Kerry and Edwards are a joke. They lie and distord most of what they say!

My stance on revising fan edits.


Originally posted by: Hal 9000
I agree with Jimbo on this topic, crude as his arguments are.

I am a conservative all the way. Even so, Kerry and Edwards are a joke. They lie and distord most of what they say!

As Bush said Kerry took a strong stance on both sides of the Iraqi war.
North Korea endorses John Kerry for President. Truth hurts.

Originally posted by: jimbo
Why did I not post yesterday. You probably thought I was getting some.

Yes, Jimbo, I was wondering exactly that. "Geez, I bet Jimbo is having sex right now", I thought to myself yesterday.


Originally posted by: jimbo

Unfortunitly not true but I did something almost as cool. I saw a speech by George W Bush. It was a great speach. It shows why he is fit to be our commander and chief and John Kerry is not.

Need... to... control myself... never to... post political thoughts... again...
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering
If I learned anything from the late Rodney Dangerfeild its that self humilitating humor is always funny.
It's times like this that I'm glad I'm a Marxist.

Killing our own babies is wrong, but killing foreign babies (and the rest of their population, and even allowing the death penalty in America) is okay? No tolerance for gays, but tolerance for a 2000 year old, outdated, hate mongering religious belief is right? Allowing a candidate to change their mind on an issue is unheard of, but supporting a candidate who still hasn't mastered high-school level English is "the only sane choice"?

I could go on, but in short I think the so called "moral/Christian-right" need to pay a little more attention to the doctrines of their faith. What ever happened to "judge not", "do unto others", "love thy neighbor", "turn the other cheek" and a hundred other lessons the faith is supposedly based on? The hypocrisy of all you people claiming to have a moral leg to stand on based on your religion, all the while using the words "faggot" and "whore" (and yes, that statement is leveled directly at Jimbo) is astounding.

I can't really say I like Kerry, but I can say I really don't like Bush. (And I can also say that people like Jimbo are why baseball bats were invented...)
For as much as some people claim to hate what Star Wars has become, they sure seem incapable of shutting up about it.
LMAO in general @ Rebel Rouser.



Originally posted by: jimbo
Why did I not post yesterday. You probably thought I was getting some.

Yes, Jimbo, I was wondering exactly that. "Geez, I bet Jimbo is having sex right now", I thought to myself yesterday.

Uhhh, ROFL.



Originally posted by: Bossk
So explain why Bush is fit. I'm wondering what it is that you saw (or heard) in the speech that convinced you.

Nothing I didn't know before. The basic stuff. Kerry is lier, a flip floper, supports faggots, taxes, and baby murderers. Bush is a strong leader who has done everything he can to protect this country and fix our economy.

If that is enough to convince u to vote for a president....i think the electoral college system is a VERY good idea. I can't imagine that convincing ANYONE all by itself.
I just hate stupid people.


Petition signer # 34,865
Hmm by that logic we should have not invaded Germany after Pearl Harbor. Japan invaded us not Germany. However we recognized that Hitlar was just as great a threat. Ok saying Saddam was as bad as Hitlar is going too far. But he had the same basic mantality to a far less extreme level. The world is better off today that Saddam is in jail. 3000 people were killed and when it happened I was so glad Al Gore was not President of the United States. I am glad we have a president who is willing to take it too them and not sit there and wait to be attacked again. Strange how liberals are for killing innocent babies but against killing convicted murderers. Saddam killed far far more of his own people then Bush did. The Iraqi people want to be free and I am sure they are mostly just as happy as I am that Saddam Hussaine is out of there lives. Sure some innocent people died but that happens in every war. Its a sad fact of life but something liberals have to unfortunitly accept. Nothing can get accomplished if we think like that. Someone won't benefit from everything no matter how good it is but in the long run society is better for it.
Lol, I see how Bush using fake words has no impact on you what-so-ever, seeing as how you speak Shimraa-ese
I just hate stupid people.


Petition signer # 34,865

Originally posted by: Rebel Rouser
It's times like this that I'm glad I'm a Marxist.

Killing our own babies is wrong, but killing foreign babies (and the rest of their population, and even allowing the death penalty in America) is okay?

I find it amusing how people will protect the lives of murders and rapist, but are willing to throw away (quite literally) the lives of the innocent.


No tolerance for gays, but tolerance for a 2000 year old, outdated, hate mongering religious belief is right?

Despite your hate talk i agree that most Christians need to re-evaluate the approach towards homosexuals. It is one thing to disagree, but to completely ostrosize is another. Read the NT the only people Jesus dropped the hammer on were the Pharassies... aka the religious hypocrits... All the other "immoral people" Jesus was eating dinner with, and hanging out with them...


Allowing a candidate to change their mind on an issue is unheard of, but supporting a candidate who still hasn't mastered high-school level English is "the only sane choice"?

Changing your mind is one things. Wavering like a reed in a hurrican is another. Kerry isnt just changing his mind he is flip flopping with public opinion. In the most extreme cases he is doin things like criticizing bush for not adiquitly equipping the troops, when he personaly voted against the bills to provide the afformentioned equipment.

As far as the speaking gaffes, Kerry has had more than one himself. The fact remains that any individual that is taped 24-7 will make gaffes.


I could go on, but in short I think the so called "moral/Christian-right" need to pay a little more attention to the doctrines of their faith. What ever happened to "judge not", "do unto others", "love thy neighbor", "turn the other cheek" and a hundred other lessons the faith is supposedly based on? The hypocrisy of all you people claiming to have a moral leg to stand on based on your religion, all the while using the words "faggot" and "whore" (and yes, that statement is leveled directly at Jimbo) is astounding.

Mostly spot on here, save the no judge thing. Scripturally speaching Christians are required to hold people acountable, but are not to make value judgements on those people. The verse you are specifically referancing is calling people attention to the fact that they are not perfect either and should beware in the way that they are treating people. But the rest of it i agree with. the problem lies in that many Christians are so by a cultural standard only, or have never taken the time to study the Teaching of scripture. Sad really. And thanks for lumping us all together because of the actions of a load minority. Gross generalizations are always helpful.

Jimbo. I dont mean this in a completely negative light, so dont become defensive.

Your actions on this board are disturbing to say the least. You claim the name of Christ, yet you drag it through the gutter with your hateful and demining comments directed towards, homosexuals, women, and people you disagree with. I would advise you take some time and really evaluate your life, because your actions are in direct conflict with what you claim as a spiritual identity. They after all should be mutually exclusive. I am not saying that i by any means are perfect, but it is one thing to be imperfect, and a completely different thing to run around the internet cursing, and degrading people with deragatory hate speach...


I can't really say I like Kerry, but I can say I really don't like Bush. (And I can also say that people like Jimbo are why baseball bats were invented...)

Interesting like how you insenuate beating jimbo with a baseball bat here, way to take the high road.

please excuse all the various spelling and grammarical errors i am in a hurry and didnt have time to proof read...

Originally posted by: StarTrooper3000
Lol, I see how Bush using fake words has no impact on you what-so-ever, seeing as how you speak Shimraa-ese

Who cares if he uses fake words. Is that now how we see our commander-in cheif. His job is to protect this country and he has done this incredibly well. Its a great stratigery.
Hey, he's got my vote, don't get me wrong. I was just cracking a joke for the O-OT's
I just hate stupid people.


Petition signer # 34,865