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Post #1479693

Bobson Dugnutt
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The Empire Strikes Back - Expanded Edition (Work in Progress)
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Date created
13-Apr-2022, 6:49 AM

benduwan said:

that rocks bobson.
will you do this with anh scenes too and upgrade your anh edit??

My current SW77 edit is only the Biggs scenes, and I’m still really happy with that cut I did back in 2018. If anything, I’ll go back and do both an expanded cut based on the TC, and then a “”“”“”““Lost Cut””“”“”“”" that restructures it based on the Fourth Draft. Due to the sheer amount of B/W footage in the extended Cantina scene, I’d have to consider what to use and what not to use ultimately. Jenny is an absolute yes though.

Tack said:

This is just amazing. There’s the same kind of giddiness involved as when the deleted scenes were first unveiled. The idea that the films you enjoyed could be given a totally new but old look. And I think in some ways, the deleted scenes of ESB are even more mysterious than the ones from SW77, just because of the glimpses the trailers and tie-in media give.

Thank you! I wasn’t too familiar with how much was cut before I started digging in. As for the first SW, we basically know exactly how much was cut and about 90% of the most remarkable footage has shown up. As for ESB and ROTJ, not so much.

Tack said:

If only we had access to some other remarkable trims, like the cut Cloud City bluescreen footage or the complete Wampa attack footage (which, apparently according to Star Wars Aficionado and JW Rinzler, was filmed). Special editions be damned! This should be the alternative!

All the Wampa stuff was absolutely filmed, as bad as it all looks. Damn shame they didn’t put all of it out.


I haven’t heard of the bluescreen stuff actually being shot, I’m assuming you mean the balcony scene, which was dropped due to VFX limitations and filming scheduling problems. But there is a lot of bits and pieces missing entirely.

Here’s a before and after of the new lightsaber training. There’s no soundmix yet, the music is just temporary. I’m very happy with how the colourisation came out.

