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Post #1479150

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The Empire Strikes Back - Expanded Edition (Work in Progress)
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Date created
9-Apr-2022, 9:53 AM

Okay yeah, I see what you mean. This might seem dumb, but what if you horizontally flipped the shot of Lobot crossing the hallway? It’s still the same set obviously, but the flipped geography could help differentiate it as a different level maybe.

Cool new shot of Boba!

A part of me feels like it would make sense to only use footage shot during the original production of the film, rather than Special Edition material, but that is up to you. If you went that route, I wonder if you should go ahead and use all of the extra Special Edition material.

Are you also planning to add in the extra Luke training scene, or extended Leia taking care of Luke scene during the Bespin escape?

I’m sure recolorizing the extended Han and Leia kiss scene was a pain the ass, but I’m curious if you’re planning to do the same to any other black and white scenes. To be honest I’m not completely familiar with all of the deleted ESB material.