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Post #1478466

Willrow's Ice Cream Maker
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THX on 35mm Tech IB preservation - HELP NEEDED (work in progress)
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Date created
3-Apr-2022, 1:10 PM

I hope this project finds its way out of the white void prison one day. THX 1138, weirdly enough, had almost, if not maybe more, of an impact on me as Star Wars when I was a kid, despite not seeing until years later! I used to watch religiously the bonus disc from some SW release that had the “Empire of Dreams” documentary, which included snippets of THX. The strange look and sound of THX, even from mere seconds of footage, blew my mind and had me mesmerized for close to a decade until I finally watched the film. To this day I can’t get those striking images out of my head. It’s a horribly under-appreciated film, and one I hope gets the love it deserves one day without all that bullshit CGI.