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Post #81983

Darth Chaltab
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Video Games - a general discussion thread
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Date created
17-Dec-2004, 4:16 PM
I've not played much more than the First Hunt demo at various game retailers.

But every publication I've read says that most of the DS launch games are pretty good, but don't quite live up to their potential, or are too short to reccomend highly. The exception being Ping Pals, which comes from THQ, which has a wonderful track record. (not)

Ping Pals
Sprung: Everybody Scores
Mario Sixty-Four
Ridge Racer
Feel the Magic: Ex Why Ex Ex
Urban Asphalt Grand Tour
Spiderman II

Most current launch titles are getting above average reviews, except for Mario Sixty Four, of course, but it is a port. Really anyone adopting the DS this early is doing so on potential and not actual substance yet. But what potential it has!