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Post #1476775

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Did Lucas forget that Obi Wan served Bail Organa in the Clone Wars ?
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Date created
21-Mar-2022, 9:58 AM

The answer to this question is yes he probably forgot, but is it a huge problem that ruins my enjoyment of the films? No, not for me at least, I do agree that there are inconsistencies between what is said in the original trilogy and what is shown in the prequel trilogy, but that’s just what happens when you go to create prequels and sequels to something you made 20 years ago. I don’t think it’s a big problem though as I’m able to just realize it’s inconsistent and move on. But then there’s a bunch of stuff that a lot of fans seem to hate or dislike that I just don’t really care too much about, and this is one of those things. I just personally don’t think it’s a big deal but it’s fine if others do.