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Post #70703

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Date created
11-Oct-2004, 7:51 AM
I just watched the '95 Faces VHSs the other day, and Im pretty sure there is some sound before the "away put your weapon" line starts. I dont know if they turned it up, or tweaked it, but he does make a sort of startled noise. Ive only seen the ANH '04 Version, and since I refuse to buy the set, it may stay that way for a while. The little sound changes are a major quibble I have, I mean, can anyone say "pointless."
But honestly, one of the most glaring flubs is Luke's lightsaber on the Falcon (when he is training). That seriously is one of the biggest oversights ever. Please spare me the justifications from SW.com - "its a reaction to the disturbance in the force, Alderaan being destroyed" Uh....wtf?!

I dont care how much of a GL lackey you are, how can you justify the myriad of minute changes to sound and color. Not to mention, the completely ass-backwards rear channels durring ANH.

This concept of "creative decisions" is being exploited well beyond its maximum (logical) extent.