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Post #1474392

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What 'a Star Wars Story' / anthology / spinoff film would you like to see?
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Date created
1-Mar-2022, 11:31 PM

I despise auteur theory and kind of worship culture it creates, which gives us such delights as “the Polanski letter” and Joss Whedon’s career/writing style. Before you say I just enjoy “popcorn movies” or “seeing the same things again,” I’m not keen on “movies by committee” either (i.e., I’ve never seen an MCU movie and intend to keep it that way).

My thoughts on the auteur theory can best be summed up by this video - Tommy Wiseau: The Last Auteur - Brows Held High. It’s a good summation of a bunch of Kael’s points, using Wiseau’s The Room as a thought experiment on auteurism.