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Why is Lucas such a Knob?

Okay, so I was over at the StarWars.com forum, reading most of the DVD commments on there, and it hit me why Lucas continually updates the OT, even though he obviously realizes the new versions suck monkey balls. (I also realized that the vast majority of people on the SW.com forums are truly scary little freaks so totally immersed on the SW subculture they likely take lightsabers to work, but that's another story.... )

As the old saying goes, there's no such thing as bad publicity. Lucas craps out another SE turd, the rabid freak-boys lap it up, post their moronic "theories" on how these changes fit into the prequels (seriously, some of these people are totally brain-dead), while the OT fans cry bloody murder, get Lucas all kinds of press, and general public laps it up and buys tons of DVDs.

Lucas is simply doing what he can to keep the Original Trilogy in the public eye, and if that means pinching out another smelly SSE 2004 loaf, then he likely feels it's worth the effort. After all, no one but the hardcore fanboys even care about the prequels anyway, and the ABSOLUTE WORST thing that could ever happen to Lucas would be for his precious Star Wars mythos to fade from the public consciousness.

So instead, he continually changes it, gets the Lucas freak-boys slobbering, has the online community humming (good and bad) and at the end of the day, makes Star Wars relevent once again. Expect this to continue with both the OT & Prequels, and for Lucas to NEVER EVER finish any of his movies.

Because he knows, once it's finished, the ride might be over.
I've been wondering if Lucas isn't trying to orchestrate a "New Coke vs. Old Formula" outrage.

Some people dismiss it as conspiracy, but there's a good bit of evidence that suggests the release of "New Coke" was an intentional ploy to inspire people to DEMAND the original formula be re-introduced. And that's what happened ... the "New Coke" was quietly phased-out and the so-called Original Formula (which wasn't actually the same because it now contained corn syrup and was missing its trace cocaine elements) ended up closing the gap in the Cola Wars.
"Because he knows, once it's finished, the ride might be over."

At least until Howard the duck II comes out.

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: Sadly, I believe the prequels are beyond repair.
<span class=“Bold”>JediRandy: They’re certainly beyond any repair you’re capable of making.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: You aren’t one of us.
<span class=“Bold”>Go-Mer-Tonic: I can’t say I find that very disappointing.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>JediRandy: I won’t suck as much as a fan edit.</span>

Great we haven't had a Lucas raped my childhood thread for a few hours.
That make a great commercial for the new DVDs. Lucas sexually violating the original versions while looking at the camera and hearrtily laughing.
"90% of the statistics used in quotes are made up."
Already pre-ordered my Howard the Duck prequel "The Egg"
Egon "Don't Cross the streams it would be very bad"

Peter "i'm fuzzy on the whole good/bad thing"

Egon "lmagine the 97 Star Wars Special Editions"

Originally posted by: Faid
Great we haven't had a Lucas raped my childhood thread for a few hours.

wow another smartass comment by a Lucas fanboy....
take your Lucas loving to starwars.com if you dont like it...
thats where all the whiners post

"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."

take your Lucas loving to starwars.com if you dont like it...
thats where all the whiners post

Damn straight!!

Originally posted by: Luke Skywalker
wow another smartass comment by a Lucas fanboy....
take your Lucas loving to starwars.com if you dont like it...
thats where all the whiners post

And yet here you and Sam_Lu are... whining.

It's funny how Lucas' stance that his vision is all that matters is considered crap, and your ideas being all that matter are to be taken as gospel truth, even going to far as personally attacking anybody who might find something worthwhile in the prequals or SE's.

Do I think the SE's needed to be made? No. Do I think the prequels are flawless? No. Do I think Lucas has probably gone completely off his rocker? Hell yeah I do.

But everybody is entitled to their opinion, and Sam_Lu posting five "I hate Lucas, anybody who disagrees is an idiot fanboy" threads a day is getting a little tiresome.

Perhaps a little positive action? Try going out and talking to actual people about the problems inherant in what Lucas is doing... make some headway for fuck's sake, instead of spending all day on a message board, preaching to the choir about how much you hate the SE's. WE KNOW ALREADY. THAT'S WHAT THIS BOARD IS ABOUT.
For as much as some people claim to hate what Star Wars has become, they sure seem incapable of shutting up about it.
But it did just occur to me that nobody has invoked Godwin's Law as yet. So we've all got that going for us!

Please people, just try to be friendly. We can probably win this battle if we actually focus and get something other than name calling accomplished.
For as much as some people claim to hate what Star Wars has become, they sure seem incapable of shutting up about it.
"Already pre-ordered my Howard the Duck prequel "The Egg"

Now I'm confused....which came first?

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: Sadly, I believe the prequels are beyond repair.
<span class=“Bold”>JediRandy: They’re certainly beyond any repair you’re capable of making.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: You aren’t one of us.
<span class=“Bold”>Go-Mer-Tonic: I can’t say I find that very disappointing.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>JediRandy: I won’t suck as much as a fan edit.</span>


Originally posted by: MeBeJedi

"Already pre-ordered my Howard the Duck prequel "The Egg"

Now I'm confused....which came first?

Neither... Lea Thompson's hair in Howard the Duck came before all.


...lord that hair...
For as much as some people claim to hate what Star Wars has become, they sure seem incapable of shutting up about it.

Originally posted by: Asha
I've been wondering if Lucas isn't trying to orchestrate a "New Coke vs. Old Formula" outrage.

Some people dismiss it as conspiracy, but there's a good bit of evidence that suggests the release of "New Coke" was an intentional ploy to inspire people to DEMAND the original formula be re-introduced. And that's what happened ... the "New Coke" was quietly phased-out and the so-called Original Formula (which wasn't actually the same because it now contained corn syrup and was missing its trace cocaine elements) ended up closing the gap in the Cola Wars.

I thought of it myself, but the New Coke rejection thing wasn't really planned. The SEs, on the other hand...
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering

Originally posted by: MeBeJedi
"Already pre-ordered my Howard the Duck prequel "The Egg"

Now I'm confused....which came first?

The Egg..no the Duck..wait maybe the egg or is it the Midichlorians

Egon "Don't Cross the streams it would be very bad"

Peter "i'm fuzzy on the whole good/bad thing"

Egon "lmagine the 97 Star Wars Special Editions"

And yet here you and Sam_Lu are... whining.

do u need glasses?

im not whining at all...
im tell some of the newer members not to be such assholes to others who have created threads


Great we haven't had a Lucas raped my childhood thread for a few hours.

ie this kinda crap
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."
Howard the Turkey (the George Lucas special edition)

Originally posted by: Luke Skywalker

And yet here you and Sam_Lu are... whining.

do u need glasses?

im not whining at all...
im tell some of the newer members not to be such assholes to others who have created threads


Great we haven't had a Lucas raped my childhood thread for a few hours.

ie this kinda crap

But you are whining. Constantly complaining about the prequels and the SE changes. Constantly. Complaining. Constantly.

And the guy is right... there seems to be little on this board anymore other than "Lucas has ruined my entire existance by not releasing his movies the way I want them" threads. Try to funnel a little of that angst into getting something done about it... obviously bitching alongside a dozen people who already agree with you isn't going to accomplish jack. And since you seem incapable of being respectful of anybody who doesn't agree with you 100%, you shouldn't expect much in life to go your way, much less a multi-billionaire listening to your opinions of what you want him to do with his movies.

For fuck's sake, I agree with you that the original versions need to be released on DVD, but your attitude isn't going to win many people over to our side. This is exactly why I lurked for a year or so before my first post...
For as much as some people claim to hate what Star Wars has become, they sure seem incapable of shutting up about it.
Hey Rebel Rouser, Lucas has stated that he will NEVER release the Original Trilogy on DVD, and due to his insane meglomania and love for the new SE and SSEe 2004 editions, do you really think he'd risk being wrong by allowing the OT DVDs to compete against his beloved Frankenstein versions?

You seem to be under the naive impression that if we all act nice and cozy with Georgie Porgy, that he'll suddenly change his mind, delete all the SE and SSE crap, and happily release the OT versions. Sorry, but that ain't gonna happen until Lucas dies (if then) as he wants the SSE 2004 version to remain the definitive one, at least until he decides to change it again.

But one thing is sure, Lucas will never release the OT. He has stated this, and it is the only logical course of action for a madman intent on combining the two trilogies. If you believe otherwise, then have fun in your fantasy land.

Me, I live in the real world, where Lucas is an insane despot and where the OT is something you burn to DVD-R.

Originally posted by: Luke Skywalker

Originally posted by: Faid
Great we haven't had a Lucas raped my childhood thread for a few hours.

wow another smartass comment by a Lucas fanboy....
take your Lucas loving to starwars.com if you dont like it...
thats where all the whiners post

How does this comment make him a Lucas fanboy. Yeah Lucas is a moron, but certain people *coughsamlucough* really ought to stop the complaining.

I've said it before: There are few things on this earth as annoying as an angry fanboy.



Originally posted by: Sam_Lu
Hey Rebel Rouser, Lucas has stated that he will NEVER release the Original Trilogy on DVD, and due to his insane meglomania and love for the new SE and SSEe 2004 editions, do you really think he'd risk being wrong by allowing the OT DVDs to compete against his beloved Frankenstein versions?

You seem to be under the naive impression that if we all act nice and cozy with Georgie Porgy, that he'll suddenly change his mind, delete all the SE and SSE crap, and happily release the OT versions. Sorry, but that ain't gonna happen until Lucas dies (if then) as he wants the SSE 2004 version to remain the definitive one, at least until he decides to change it again.

But one thing is sure, Lucas will never release the OT. He has stated this, and it is the only logical course of action for a madman intent on combining the two trilogies. If you believe otherwise, then have fun in your fantasy land.

Me, I live in the real world, where Lucas is an insane despot and where the OT is something you burn to DVD-R.

No, I never said that giving Lucas a big hug was going to help. I said that calling him names and attacking anybody who comes on this board with differing opinions definately WILL NOT help.

You know how many people I meet in a day who have no idea about what's going on with the OT? If I called everyone who liked the re-inserted ANH Jabba scene an "idiot asshole fanboy etc. etc.", I wouldn't be very well liked. (But then again, we're talking about real life here, not the anonymity of the internet...). Instead, I tell them about what Lucas has been doing with the changes, and his refusal to release the original edits on DVD, and their usual response is something along the lines of "No shit? I didn't know that. That's fucked up." And suddenly, we have somebody with that seed planted deep in their heads. We have another convert and supporter. I then direct them to this site and the rest writes itself.

You, Sam_Lu, I've seen personally attack just about every person who comes on these boards with a differing opinion. It doesn't matter if they support us but still like the SE's, you throw demeaning remarks their way for not spending their lives hating Lucas. It's childish and purile. Hell, you're accusing me of living in a fantasy world, simply because I don't agree with your personal take on the situation. Are you this lacking in fundemental social graces?

Christ man... Lucas hasn't been able to stay the course of any statement he's made so far. Why do you think that the promise of money can't sway him on the OT issue? If you really don't think anything can EVER be done, then you must realize that all you're doing is wasting bandwidth bitching about it, right?

Nevertheless, now that I've droned on about the idea that maybe treating everyone like shit isn't going to get anything done... I'll leave you all with this very special message:

Rebel Rouser, the Rockabilly Retard
For as much as some people claim to hate what Star Wars has become, they sure seem incapable of shutting up about it.

I've said it before: There are few things on this earth as annoying as an angry fanboy.

Whoa! Are you actually trying to call me a fanboy? If so, then you have a pretty loose grasp on the English language and I'd recommend getting your High School diploma before posting anymore gibberish.

Fanboy: Someone who gives up all free thought to worship at the altar of a pop culture phenomenon. If it exists, regardless of quality or merit, then it is automatically good, and must be defended vigorously against the heretics.

To call me a fanboy is to label yourself a simpering idiot. Education matters there Jake!!


Hell, you're accusing me of living in a fantasy world, simply because I don't agree with your personal take on the situation. Are you this lacking in fundemental social graces?

Hey, if you actually believe that being "warm and cuddly" towards Lucas will get us the Original Trilogy on DVD, then I gotta call 'em like I see 'em.

And yes, if someone "in the real world" stated something as insane (like the Earth is flat), I'd call them a moron to their face. I have no problem with this, and am quite successful being blunt to pure stupidity.

You do have a good point, that while Lucas is an obvious madman, that his fanboy acolytes should be treated a bit better. After all, they know not what they do.

Originally posted by: Sam_Lu

You do have a good point, that while Lucas is an obvious madman, that his fanboy acolytes should be treated a bit better. After all, they know not what they do.

See, that's what I'm talking about. Use your powers for good... not evil.

And you need to read the rest of my post, I already said that "warm an cuddly" isn't what I'm getting at. And I'm mostly referring to the treatment of fellow board members anyway.
For as much as some people claim to hate what Star Wars has become, they sure seem incapable of shutting up about it.

Originally posted by: buddy-x-wing
Howard the Turkey (the George Lucas special edition)

At least we know how this one ends.

Gravy... mmmmmm

"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic
This item appears on IMDB's homepage today:


Lucasfilm has quashed a Seattle, WA screening of Star Wars by a local improvisational comedy group that redubs movies live. The Seattle Post-Intelligencer reported Saturday that Lucasfilm sent the nonprofit Jet City Improv a cease-and-desist letter after learning on an Internet site about plans for the screening. The group said that it was the first time in seven years of performing such spoofs that it has received such a letter. "In order to protect our copyright, anyone who plans to commercially exhibit our films has to go through the appropriate channels," a Lucasfilm spokeswoman told the newspaper.

So Lucasfilm IS watching the internet ... maybe they should be devoting their time to making a decent film instead.