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Post #1473837

Darth Raditz
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Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Redux Ideas thread
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Date created
25-Feb-2022, 10:19 AM

I’ve been lurking around Jar Jar Bricks’ edit of the TROS novel, & I like their notion of adding Anakin in more as a means to make the ST feel more connected to the idea of I-VI being about The Tragedy of Darth Vader. While they said it can only be done with the novelization, I think there are ways of accomplishing this in the movie

-When Kylo arrives on Exegol, instead of Palpatine, he encounters a Vision of Vader, using the Fan Film Force of Darkness as a basis. However, you redub over Vader, making him sound more like either Hayden Christensen or Matt Lanter, & recolor his lightsaber from red to blue. It gives agency to Anakin, it makes an intriguing image to see Vader with blue lightsaber & therefore allows a glimpse into Kylo’s psyche at the time.

-When Kylo places his hand on mask, trying to speak to Vader, he’ll get visions of Anakin from the PT trying & failing to be a good person, suffering, until we see child Anakin walking away with Qui-Gon, only recut/recolored so that Anakin is looking disapprovingly at Kylo. You can also recolor shots of Kylo on Crait to better sell the idea that Kylo and Anakin are looking at each other.

-Lastly, after Han’s memory convinces Kylo to turn back to the light, as Kylo throws his lightsaber away, we cut back to Han who is slowly morphin into Anakin’s Force Ghost. This is Anakin giving Kylo the last push he needs to go help Rey. Even if Kylo doesn’t know why he saw his father, it’s effective.