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Far and Away: 30th Anniversary Extended Cut (Released) — Page 3


I took a bit of a break on this project for the holidays, but I hit it hot and heavy again a few days ago and have made a lot of progress.

  1. All frame duplicate decimation has been done, and the footage has been sped back up to 23.976fps. There were actually MORE duplicate frames than would account for the typical variance between 29.97fps and 23.976fps, but this has been corrected. The audio from the original source was then sped up (and pitched up) to the decimated footage, which actually brought the audio / score pitch back up to proper.

  2. All color correction has been done to the TV scenes.

  3. All audio transitions have been done, along with volume matching (as best as can be achieved) to the Blu-ray. One issue with the TV version is that the dynamic range was clearly compressed for the broadcast (quiet scenes are loud, and loud scenes are quiet), so the volume had to be tackled scene-by-scene to match the surrounding HD footage.

  4. Score underlays have been dropped in in a few places where they were needed to fill out the audio and make it sound a bit less compressed / digital.

So I basically have a version finished now WITH the USA logo and advertising banners over the extra scenes. The final step will be to take the lower-quality footage and use a feathered mask to paint out the network logo. I have someone (with far more experience with the process than I) decimating this footage right now. Once I get it back, I will get to work painting out the logos and banners. Once that is done, this project will be a done deal.

To say I’m excited to share this with you guys is an understatement. I watched much of it tonight, just scanning through to analyze audio transitions and color timing, and I had a smile on my face nearly the entire time. I can’t say for sure when I’ll get the decimated footage back (probably a week or two), but once I do, this will probably take about a month more or so to fully complete. So as of right now, I’m thinking maybe (hopefully) April for release. Cheers!


thank you very much for the update, i looking forward to it.


Count me in! PM me!

“Hear you nothing that I say?”


Logo masking is completed.

Next step is masking the USA network banners and pop-ups. That should take about a week I think.

Then I’ll add in a few music score underlays you fill out the areas where the compressed broadcast audio sounds a bit digital / anemic, and this will be finished.

I’m tentatively hoping for a St. Patrick’s Day release if all goes well.


Banners and pop-ups masked out. Maybe one or two spots that need score underlays, and three brief areas where I have a few frames where the ABC logo needs to be manually painted out. But otherwise, we’re looking good for that SPD release.


thank you Croweyes1121, and please stay healthy


Initial edit is a wrap.

I’m exporting now, and will undoubtedly spot a few things that need a little extra TLC before this hits the spleen. Keep in mind that an edit comprised of A/V sources from both HD and SD eras will never be as polished as we’d all like. There are definitely a few areas that are rougher around the edges than others…but I think and hope that this will make fans of the film quite happy overall.


anticipation is the greatest joy, and regardless of the end result, i’m already looking forward to seeing your effort 😊


I’ve completed my watch-through and made a few tiny fixes. Final version is exporting now. Releasing on the spleen on March 17th.

I’ll be bundling this as a Far and Away “pack” for fans of the film. Extras will include my fully-restored 1080p / stereo version of the original theatrical trailer and, for fans of John Williams’s incredible score, a DTS 4.0 isolated score (utilizing elements from the recent La-La Land score release) suitable for muxing directly into the theatrical Blu-ray as an optional audio track.

If I have the time, I may create a trailer detailing the process of creating this edit. Thanks a lot for all of the interest here. I hope you guys really enjoy it.


thank you very much for your effort and time on this project and looking forward to march 17th


I’ll be bundling this with:

  1. 2020 original trailer HD recreation.

  2. 30th Anniversary Extended Cut trailer (from three posts up).

  3. Unique opening credit sequence from night two of the ABC broadcast (unrestored, but changed to the correct speed/pitch).

  4. Isolated Score audio track (Theatrical Cut).

  5. Enya’s Book of Days (Film Version).

  6. Yanni’s Santorini (Trailer Edit).

One week to go!


thank you for your effort Croweyes1121


Yes, I saw that! Great to see that, although it is a slightly different version than the one I did, which is based on the “standard” trailer. Theirs was taken from a version made specifically to advertise the 70mm screenings. The aspect ratio changes after the 70mm text blurb (which is not in the standard trailer at all), and the Dolby logo is different in the end credits as well (Dolby Stereo vs. Spectral Recording).


One more small tidbit regarding the running time. The final runtime of the edit is 169:36. But if you also tack on the additional “night two” opening credit sequence, that takes the overall length to 174:09 (so pretty close after all to the originally-reported 176:00, even adjusting for speed and pitch). The “night one” broadcast contained a repeat of the closing credits, which accounts for the remainder of the discrepancy.


This sounds really impressive man, great work! as the topic says released I was wondering where it is?


IR0NL0RD said:

This sounds really impressive man, great work! as the topic says released I was wondering where it is?

The thread is super old. The title is referring to a 2016 effort I shared at this edit. The 30th Anniversary Extended Cut is what I’m now talking about. It releases on myspleen on Thursday. It being St. Patrick’s Day and all, I thought it was a good day to put it out. 😉

EDIT: I just realized that I could change the name of the thread and have now done so to avoid further confusion.


Thanks for the fast reply and clarification 😃 Any chance of another link you can pm for impoverished non-spleeners such as myself? (when you release it)


I should be able to work something out via DM. It won’t have all of the bundled extras I’ll be including on myspleen (see my post above on that) as my available space on MEGA will be maxed out with the edit alone, which comes in at 32.2GB, but I can make the standalone mkv file available for those interested enough to ask for it.


That’s great 😄 thanks! looking forward to seeing this, can’t believe you got that copy off of an old DVR!