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Post #1472978

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Mando EP3: A New Path (A Book of Boba Fett Edit) [RELEASED]
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Date created
19-Feb-2022, 1:42 AM

Chase Adams said:

smudger9 said:

The rancor rampage can actually be cut by having Boba v Bane be the climax. Then cutting to the Fennec assassination scene.

I like that, but logistically you’d need to keep Grogu on Tatooine otherwise there’s no existing reunion between him and Mando.

Technically you don’t really need to maintain Grogu on Taooine to have a Mando and Grogu reunion. CarboniteSolo give this idea for a sequence of events, what I think could work for the final:

-Have Din arrive and spend time talking with Ahsoka, Luke training Grogu, but omit the scene when Ahsoka talks about Grogu’s training being interrupted if he sees him.

-Luke asking Grogu if he wants the lightsaber or his friend’s gift.

-Then we see Din’s ship flying off the planet.

-The last scene is Grogu tapping on the glass and Din pushing the button to accelerate.

Plus, you could take the central lines of their reunion and paste somewhere in this footage, maybe in the scene where Din’s ship is flying off the planet.