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The Kenobi Movie Show (Spoilers) — Page 19


We have to concentrate on what we know and don’t know in regards to another duel.
Yes, we are clearly going to get another duel.
It could be a PTSD vision of Obi Wans. It could be a force vision. They bang on about fear all the time. Maybe OWK sees this as a force vision and he has to overcome his fear to do something important and this rematch never happens outside of his head.
Personally I think that if we do get a duel it’s going to involve Obi Wan ‘‘throwing the match’’ to make it look like he died, if it happens of Mustafar then we get more of that rhymetry that poems that they like so much. If Vader thinks Obi Wan is dead there’s no reason for him to keep looking for him and he can safely go back to Tatooine.


If it’s a force vision it’ll be perfect, but I think it’s all but completely confirmed it’s an in-person duel.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


There’s rumors going around that March 30th is the premiere of Obi-wan Kenobi, not sure if it’s true or not, no confirmation yet.

Maybe we’ll get an Obi-wan Kenobi teaser trailer and premiere date at the end of The Book of Boba Fett

Good things are coming


Hello There: A Star Wars Series

I’m not really that much of a movie purist. I really should’ve thought my name out a bit more.


This year is stacked with Star Wars and Marvel on Disney+. I’m just guessing, but maybe She-Hulk when Boba is done, and then Obi-Wan after that? Andor is the one I’m most looking forward to. Then they still have to work in Bad Batch season 2, Mando season 3, and a ton of other Marvel shows.


If the rumors about Leia being in the series are really true, I wish they could explain that scene of Leia remembering his true mother in Return of the Jedi. Maybe they could show Leia watching a hologram or something of Padmé “being beautiful, kind… And sad”. While restoring the canon, it could be a sweet scene.

I feel like this series has more chances to resolve the plot holes between PT and OT than to break canon (if done right). Except the line of Ben telling Luke that “Obi-Wan” is a name he doesn’t hear since before Luke was born. I don’t know how they could resolve this, since in Revenge of the Sith he is called “Obi-Wan” the entire movie.


Young Leia is in this, she’s played by Vivian Lyra Blair.

I agree with her watching her real mother in a message. I would love to see a scene of her watching a message of Padme meant for Kenobi, “Help me Obi-wan Kenobi…”

Young Luke and the Lars are in this as well.

Sung Kang is an inquisitor


Some information about Obi-wan Kenobi teased in this article by Star Wars Sessions, who claim to have sources close to the projects. (I didn’t think it was suitable for the rumours thread, as there’s nothing specific - just stuff to hype you up for the series)


Regarding Obi-wan Kenobi, they claim ‘the studio is “raving about Kenobi” (whereas the chatter around The Book of Boba Fett has been muted in comparison). They are going as far as to say that Obi-Wan Kenobi is “being billed as the biggest Star Wars event of the past few years and the next few years also”.’

The source also says “All generations of fans will be catered for…this is truly transitional Star Wars”.” This lines up with what we’ve heard about potential Clone Wars flashbacks, with the characters being closer to their versions in the original trilogy, and perhaps an Inquisitor cameo or two from Star Wars Rebels as well.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


I hope the show is good, but with Lucasfilm I’m always on the back foot, unfortunately. Their productions are very mixed in quality. I expect that they take into account the criticism the prequels had in the past (specially Ewan McGregor, who felt in his skin the pressure of that period and now is executive producer) and make a truly wonderful series. As other have said, this could be the “missing piece” of the prequel trilogy, the spiritual episode 3 that should have been released in the past (I love ROTS, but as a conclusion for the prequels, it was a bit let down, because made me want to see more Vader in his early years in live action).


jedi_bendu said:

Some information about Obi-wan Kenobi teased in this article by Star Wars Sessions, who claim to have sources close to the projects. (I didn’t think it was suitable for the rumours thread, as there’s nothing specific - just stuff to hype you up for the series)


Regarding Obi-wan Kenobi, they claim ‘the studio is “raving about Kenobi” (whereas the chatter around The Book of Boba Fett has been muted in comparison). They are going as far as to say that Obi-Wan Kenobi is “being billed as the biggest Star Wars event of the past few years and the next few years also”.’

The source also says “All generations of fans will be catered for…this is truly transitional Star Wars”.” This lines up with what we’ve heard about potential Clone Wars flashbacks, with the characters being closer to their versions in the original trilogy, and perhaps an Inquisitor cameo or two from Star Wars Rebels as well.

That’s my friend’s podcast! I’m hoping he has some inside information as I’d like to experience something that can bring me back to taking baby steps to watching some live action content. This sounds promising if true.

“Heroes come in all sizes, and you don’t have to be a giant hero. You can be a very small hero. It’s just as important to understand that accepting self-responsibility for the things you do, having good manners, caring about other people - these are heroic acts. Everybody has the choice of being a hero or not being a hero every day of their lives.” - George Lucas


This is has been my most anticipated since it was announced because I love Rogue One. I love the Volume and I think The Mandalorian looks gorgeous, and Boba Fett has had some great shots too, just not as many, but I certainly don’t mind them building as many practical sets as the want. I can’t wait to see more of that galaxy through the perspective of a Rebel spy. I was hoping they’d keep the darker tone. Cassian definitely shot first!


Rodney-2187 said:

This is has been my most anticipated since it was announced because I love Rogue One. I love the Volume and I think The Mandalorian looks gorgeous, and Boba Fett has had some great shots too, just not as many, but I certainly don’t mind them building as many practical sets as the want. I can’t wait to see more of that galaxy through the perspective of a Rebel spy. I was hoping they’d keep the darker tone. Cassian definitely shot first!

Oops, wrong thread! Sorry for the confusion caused by me posting the article with the same image in two different places.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


I just think of something that could be really cool if happens in the show. Imagine if the relationship of Luke and Biggs was developed in the series? It could show them in childhood creating that bond that would lead to Biggs becoming the “best friend Luke ever had”.

Then, the showrunners could add, in the final moments of the series, the deleted scenes of Episode 4, with Luke, Biggs and the gang talking in the Tosche Station. In the final shot of the episode, the series could finish with Ben (already old) seeing Luke far away, with the sunset of Tatooine, after Luke looking frustrated with his current situation.

If these deleted scenes are used well in the show, they could fit nicely with the beginning of Episode 4, plus adding a part of the story that most fans had wanted to be included officially in canon for years now.


I thought of something they could do was while Kenobi is off planet, he could use the force on Biggs to be a protector for young Luke, since he’s a little older than Luke. I’m sure Biggs can take care of himself, and Kenobi realizes that’s his best bet.

Unfortunately, this isn’t going to happen. We could probably see him make an appearance, but nothing more than that.

It’s more about Anakin and hunting down the remaining Jedi with the help of inquisitors. Also from the rumors Leia will also make an appearance, I’m sure Bail Organa is going to be around somewhere.


Yeah, I agree. It’s just that The Mandalorian and BOBF had so many filler content, that I feel that the Kenobi show could explore real significant storylines that are relevant to the canon. The early years of the rebel alliance, the childhood of Luke and Leia, the relationship of Obi and Anakin, the relationship between Vader and the Emperor, the Anakin’s grief before Padme, the relationship between Obi-wan and the Lars/Luke, the training involving Qui Gon Jinn… And a few plot holes that the prequels didn’t cover of the OT.

I know that the show maybe could explore some of these topics, but… I just expect that the series doesn’t exchange potential good content for pure filler, giving the amount of screen time the series will receive.


With only 6 chapters, I don’t think they have to worry about filler for Kenobi, maybe the first chapter setting up his character now, more flashbacks of Revenge of the Sith duel, but also the good times with Anakin.

Obvious spoiler:

A little Qui-gon Jinn voice over

I think Vader has these Inquisitors searching for children of a certain age. They run into both Luke and Leia, and Kenobi racing to get to Leia, while also keeping Luke safe.

A new duel with Vader in the last chapter, obviously he thinks his former master is dead after the duel.

What do you think the chapter titles could be called? Let’s hear all 6 of them.

The titles I chose for Chapters 1-6:

  1. The Strange Old Hermit
  2. The Hunt for the Jedi
  3. Trouble for the Twins
  4. A Jedi Returns
  5. Old Friends
  6. We meet again

Good titles. Looking forward to “Old Friends” 😄

I really want to see their relationship being fleshed out like in clone wars (like you said, in flashbacks).


Anthony Daniels’ C-3PO will be appearing in an upcoming series, but he’s in a mo-cap suit, instead of a physical suit that he normally wears.

It could be Kenobi, or it could be Andor, or he could be with Skywalker at the end of the Book of Boba Fett, right now it’s unknown.

My guess is the Obi-wan Kenobi series, due to Anakin creating him, and also rumors that he visits Leia, so the droids will be nearby.


CarboniteSolo said:

Anthony Daniels’ C-3PO will be appearing in an upcoming series, but he’s in a mo-cap suit, instead of a physical suit that he normally wears.

It could be Kenobi, or it could be Andor, or he could be with Skywalker at the end of the Book of Boba Fett, right now it’s unknown.

My guess is the Obi-wan Kenobi series, due to Anakin creating him, and also rumors that he visits Leia, so the droids will be nearby.

Pretty sure it’s just for that “A Droid Story” project we heard about awhile back.



Probably, I’m hoping it’s a little more than that though. He could easily be filming two different things at the same time.


How many cameos will there be? Perhaps three, perhaps four?

I predict: Luke, Owen, Yoda, Qui-Gon, Anakin, Vader, Ashoka, Grogu, Boba Fett, Commander Cody, Captain Rex, Leia, Bail, Mon Mothma, General Dodana, R2-D2, C-3PO, Figrin Dan and/or the Modal Nodes, no fewer than four other Cantina characters, Jabba the Hutt, the Tusken tribe from TBOBF, Bib Fortuna, Duchess Satine, Palpatine and his son.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:

How many cameos will there be? Perhaps three, perhaps four?

I predict: Luke, Owen, Yoda, Qui-Gon, Anakin, Vader, Ashoka, Grogu, Boba Fett, Commander Cody, Captain Rex, Leia, Bail, Mon Mothma, General Dodana, R2-D2, C-3PO, Figrin Dan and/or the Modal Nodes, no fewer than four other Cantina characters, Jabba the Hutt, the Tusken tribe from TBOBF, Bib Fortuna, Duchess Satine, Palpatine and his son.

Anakin/Vader obviously

Owen, Beru, Luke, Jabba, Tusken raiders, Young Han Solo and Chewbacca cameo in Mos Eisley cantina (Tatooine)

Bail Organa, Captain Antillies, Leia, the droids (Alderaan)

Padme, Ahsoka, and the Emperor in flashbacks

Young Tarkin, Mon Mothma, Yoda and Qui-gon cameos.

Remember this is only 6 episodes


CarboniteSolo said:

Remember this is only 6 episodes

Well Book of Boba is 7 episodes long and half the galaxy has showed up in that span 😄

I will be left happy with at least hearing Liam Neeson’s voice as Qui-Gon. My nerdier side wishes we get to see Clone Wars flashbacks, maybe including Commander Cody or even Obi-Wan’s old flame Duchess Satine.


Knight of Kalee said:

CarboniteSolo said:

Remember this is only 6 episodes

Well Book of Boba is 7 episodes long and half the galaxy has showed up in that span 😄

True that, but there’s other new characters in this that we never heard of before, like inquisitors. There’s certain boxes they want to check. There’s still a story to tell and the main one is Kenobi and Anakin.


I wonder if Obi-wan will be in this show.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”