American Businessman (American Psycho) - verifypassword__ (2022)
This edit by u/verifypassword__ takes the psycho out of American Psycho. This is very well edited throughout - seamless. If I didnt know the original so well I’d think that the scenes originally played out that way, and mostly without voiceovers too. Audio work is very skillful.
Nice editing when Patrick removes his mask, rescore there is well done. Also good job removing the screaming during the skipping.
Cracked up at “I have all the characteristics of a human being.”, and Patrick sprinting from his date with Jean to dinner with the investigator.
Tracks for the rescore were well chosen, including the ending track.
This is truly a hilarious butchering of American Psycho - great job OP. The editing particularly is impressive, did not notice any issues whilst watching on desktop.
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