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Post #1469644

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The Clone Wars: Refocused [COMPLETE] + Subtitles for season one!
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Date created
29-Jan-2022, 5:08 PM

That’s okay, it was just a thought since there’s been some talk about the opening text being too long, a single-text opening could’ve been useful to those episodes that don’t really need much setup. I’ve refrained on offering specific critiques on the texts because I don’t fancy myself a good writer, so I can’t be as “constructive” as I wish by perhaps offering possible alternatives.

What are your thoughts on introducing the “scum and villany” on the opening text for A Strike at the Heart? To me that feels like a more natural place to do it, it introduces scummy bounty hunters wrecking havoc on the Republic capital, messing with both the senate and the Jedi. While the episode that follows this duology, Seven Warriors, subverts our expectations by showing honorable bounty hunters while introducing the scummy pirates.

As for some other thoughts on the text in ASatH, I don’t feel like you need to say Bane’s been hired by a Sith Lord, since that’s immediately revealed by Bane in a way that has more intrigue, likewise I find the text about Ahsoka being assigned to the library by Yoda odd, as we don’t really need an explanation as to why she’s hanging out in the library, you could simply state that Ahsoka continues her guard duties at the Jedi Temple or something simple like that just to remind the audience.

EddieDean said:

I will check over it. But if the characters are dependent on knowing Bane escaped and I can’t find an alternative, it’ll have to stay.

I don’t think there needs to be anything to add to it, Anakin says “I can’t let Bane get away!”, that’s enough to tell the audience “okay, if he doesn’t chase him down, he’ll get away!”