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Post #1467171

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Star Wars Episode VIII: The Eyepainter Fanedit (Released)
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Date created
15-Jan-2022, 5:44 PM

I think there’s two directions you could go with it:

One, you leave as much of Finn in as possible in the Crait Battle. That’s basically what I did - I cut it all down as much as possible, but I didn’t really change any of Finn’s parts. If you have a look at my workprint you’ll see how I handled it (and I can always send it to you at native resolution if you wanted, but I’m working in DVD quality, which I think is lower resolution than you are).

Two, you go the other direction, and trim as much of Finn out as possible. This would gel with him being absent from the rest of your edit; treat him like Rose in TROS, a main character in the previous film, now a minor Resistance character.

Or, if you want to split the difference down the middle, keep him in the Crait Battle as much as possible, but leave his suicide run out entirely. Poe tells everyone to pull back, then the next time we see him is back inside the mine talking about the vulptexes. Since he’s absent from your version, his suicide run isn’t the thematic resolution to a journey he’s been on, so leaving it might feel weird.