All Boba did in the original trilogy was hide in some garbage, follow the Falcon, and then let Vader capture and freeze Han for him, then deliver him to Jabba, and of course falling into the sarlacc.
In this new series, Boba escaped the sarlacc, chokes out a desert monster, beat-up an entire biker gang by himself and stole their bikes, and robbed a train. Doesn’t sound soft to me.
Every time Boba has spared someone, it had come back around to help him. The Gamoreans helped him when the Order of the Nightwind assassins attacked. The cyborg bikers saved him when Black Krrsantan attacked. Hard to fight a giant wookiee in your underwear. Letting Krrsantan go free will likely turn out to be a good idea too. He is going for respect over fear, because running a family is a lot more complicated than bounty hunting. You just can shoot everyone.
Boba wants to achieve more in life than Jango and I’m loving this new path. A whole series of Boba just riding around bounty-hunting and killing sounds pretty boring. Watching him sort his life out and deal with his issues is great. I can’t wait to see what happens in the last 4 episodes. I’m ready for him to ride that rancor!