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Post #1467142

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The Hobbit (M4 Book Edit) (Released)
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Date created
15-Jan-2022, 1:51 PM

Thanks for watching mate! I am very glad you enjoyed.

Dazman said:
-The cut from Thorin saying they are gonna kill Azog to them being in the town ruins was little quick. Is seems they got there in an instant. Maybe could have used some shots of starting to ride towards the town. Their fight was cut great however, being more dynamic now and not bloated.

And yeah it seems like your critiques center around a few moments feeling a bit quick and I can agree with that analysis. In all these cases of heavily restructured scenes (such as the Thranduil post battle scene where it might feel quick even if there’s nothing “technically” wrong with the transitions/audio), it’s definitely because of a lack of footage. I’ve tried the best with what I have to work with and would never purposefully exclude or shorten shots to quicken pacing.

With Ravenhill, so much stuff had to go IMO (Tauriel, Bolg, Legolas, riding goats, etc.) so it’s really just a subjective choice, do you keep some of that and maintain slower pacing, or do you remove it to be like the book but then deal with a bit faster pacing. I’d go with the latter, definitely pros and cons to both sides though.

Also, PMed D-A113