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2004 DVD, Changes in Sound?

Ok, so we all know about some of the visual changes in the new 2004 DVD version. But what about sound changes? Listen to this and tell me what you think. First is from 1997 SE, Second from 2004 DVD.

"Your powers are weak..."

UPDATED: Definately not a different take - Overlayed 1997 & 2004 versions.

Creator of Star Wars Begins, Building Empire and Returning to Jedi
Follow me on twitter @jamieSWB. Please support me at - http://www.patreon.com/jamiebenning/

That sounds like a remix on the voice. You'll notice how originally Vader's voice changed from film to film. Ben Burtt probably remixed all the original James Earl Jones ADR in favor of tonal consistency.
  • Todd

STAR WARS: Symphony for a Saga

Glad to inform, confirm, or whatever the hell I just did.


By the way, check out www.thedigitalbits.com for their review of the trilogy peeps. Its a lot better than that last trashy review.
  • Todd

STAR WARS: Symphony for a Saga

that sounds like a completely different take to me, the first sounds like Darth Vader, the second one just sounds like James Earl Jones (and before anyone states the obvious, yes I DO know that they are both James Earl Jones!)
Sounds too me like Skywalker sound have remixed it, taking out the 'talking down a drainpipe' effect to fit it in with ESB an ROTJ.

Creator of Star Wars Begins, Building Empire and Returning to Jedi
Follow me on twitter @jamieSWB. Please support me at - http://www.patreon.com/jamiebenning/

I can't listen to it right now, but isn't it an alternate take?
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering
Definately not a different take. I have overlayed the 1997 and 2004 clips and the audio matches. The only difference is the effect on them.

See first post for link.

Creator of Star Wars Begins, Building Empire and Returning to Jedi
Follow me on twitter @jamieSWB. Please support me at - http://www.patreon.com/jamiebenning/

definatly the same take... but they do sound different...

"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."
Please, let it be true!

Vader's breathing and voice effects in ANH have always bugged the hell out of me; it's just so garbled and totally inconsistent with ESB and RotJ (and surely RotS). Like the colorless and jumpy lightsabers, this really dates the film. With these things finally being improved, the saga will look and flow much better.

Originally posted by: Commander Courage
Please, let it be true!

Vader's breathing and voice effects in ANH have always bugged the hell out of me; it's just so garbled and totally inconsistent with ESB and RotJ (and surely RotS). Like the colorless and jumpy lightsabers, this really dates the film. With these things finally being improved, the saga will look and flow much better.
Of course it dates the film, it was made in '77!
who cares if it matches up with ROTS or not...
hell nothing in the PT is consistant with the OT...
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."
There are a few reviews of the new DVD release floating around now. Most of them seem to indicate that Vader's voice has been modified. Personally, while I despise most of the changes to these editions, I don't mind this change. I'll give little ol' Lucas a point for that one. He won't get too many more though.

While we're talking sound changes, can I just say (because I need to get this off my chest!) F*********************************K!!!!!!!!!! I listened to Morrison's new voice for Boba Fett in Empire again today. SUCKS BIG TIME! I can't believe how bad it sounds!

"Hi, I'm Boba Fett, can I have sux dollars worth of chups please." Sorry, unless your an Aussie or New Zealander you'll have no idea what I'm talking about. Basically the New Zealander accent is SOOOOOOOOOOOO out of place in a Star Wars film, especially the prequels AND INEXCUSABLE IN THE OT.

I can't believe this new accent will now forever be immortalised as part of Empire. I need a shower. I feel dirty for having listened to it.
maybe Lucas wanted to ride the New Zealand banwagon considering it helped LOTR.....
i think the man will try anything now
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."
prepare for more Kiwi Eccents, in Episode 3 the Queen of Naboo is played by the young girl from WhaleRider
that may even help the film...
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."
Yet another amazing actor's reputation/potential falls victim to the mighty George Lucas.
This is more than likely an instance of Burtt going back to the stems and finding the original audio. Alot of the audio intended to be used for the film was replaced in order to make the soundtrack 'work' for the original release. Diffrent takes, alternate dialogue, things of this nature were used to fit all 6 stems in.

Then again, I could be way off.
The Jedi are all but extinct.......
I really have little to complain about the audio, sure, Ben doesn't sound like a Dewback anymore(they used the same sound), and I even liked Tem. But what really irks me is that they didn't restore "You're lucky you don't taste very good."
"I don't mind if you don't like my manners. I don't like them myself. They're pretty bad. I grieve over them during the long winter evenings."