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Post #1465478

Hal 9000
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TFA: A Gentle Restructure (Released)
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Date created
5-Jan-2022, 12:09 AM

I didn’t do any editing today but did inspect things and determine what I plan to steal from Nev’s project. These are hopefully unobjectable changes that won’t ruin TFA:R’s niche for anyone. If anyone would like me to share reasons for not using this or that other change, I can.

  • Poe’s ladder retracting

  • The glow before Kylo activates his saber to kill the guy I was convinced was playing Ric Olié is removed.

  • Undo the dawn effect when Finn wakes up on Jakku, since it should be later the same day as Rey is already at the outpost. Having it be daybreak only works if you restructure scene like Nev does.

  • Remove “cute boyfriend” repetition.

  • Use the Han dice scene, for the fanmade magic. I’m not wild about using music from Solo, but it works for the moment, and Williams did write that theme.

  • Shorten Maz’s trek across the table

  • Add the new shot of the pirate ship to show Rey intends to follow Finn (really cool)

  • Restructure end of Maz battle with Finn running earlier.

  • After “bring him home,” new quick scene of Kylo watching the weapon charge, using two shots deleted from other scenes.

  • Use a few new shots for the SKB firing sequence, to no longer rely on a reused shot of Leia. Also, I will use his Leia reaction shot that paints out a casual background extra, and hopefully use his version of the way the music ends as it goes along well with Leia’s movements.

  • Use the cool shot with the binary beacon from TLJ.

  • Add to Rey’s Force vision several overt mentions that she is Palpatine’s granddaughter.