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Post #1465221

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TFA: A Gentle Restructure (Released)
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Date created
3-Jan-2022, 3:35 PM

The scene from Starlight I would most want to see brought in is Han hanging up the dice in the Falcon cockpit.

Honestly I think you could be a little more liberal in borrowing changes and this edit would still have a unique identity and reason for being. Imo Starlight’s biggest swing is changing Rey’s arc from a traditional hero’s journey to a more ominous dark-side adjacent thing. That is a clear change in tone and intent which deviates from what the original film was trying to do. The color grading and voiceover changes also feel more editorial: an attempt to shape the film into something else than what I was. I think if you keep these changes out but bring in moments like Han’s dice, the restructured Starkiller base firing sequence, and Kylo on the Falcon, you could make a definitive edit for those who just want an enhanced cut of the original film, rather than something that radically alters the tone and intent.