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Post #1465205

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The Force Awakens: Starlight (V1.1 Released!)
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Date created
3-Jan-2022, 2:07 PM

Nev, this is an exceptional edit. It truly is close to being the definitive TFA edit; but, there are a couple of things stopping it from being that… yet. Some of them are technical issues, and some of them are story issues. I’ll go through the things that I noticed in chronological order. And I’m sorry in advance for how long this is going to be. But I wanted to be thorough!

Before I start complaining though, I want to reiterate how bonkers amazing so much of this is. In particular, I loved hearing the Force “Echoes” that Kylo was hearing, I loved how Maz’s was streamlined and made more logical by them not having Leia’s location already. Delaying the reveals of Kylo’s identity and Poe’s survival worked brilliantly on a number of levels. And the new sequence with the shields lowering was absolutely beautifully done. Amazing work!

Now, onto the critiques:

  • Story issue: I think Hal’s opening crawl actually works a lot better unfortunately, for two main reasons: A) The second paragraph of Starlight’s is a run-on sentence, which makes it difficult to read (especially in the brief time before it “crawls” away), and B) The third paragraph, outlining that the Republic created the Resistance - that doesn’t mesh with the later scene of Leia complaining that the Republic isn’t taking the threat of the First Order seriously. I’m pretty sure Hal’s crawl clarifies that the Republic wasn’t doing anything, which is why Leia herself had to form the Resistance.

  • Technical issue: Speaking of the crawl, there’s also a weird audio issue where the first trumpet blast is in mono or something, before the next note transitions the music out to surround. There’s also some weird flickering going on with the black levels during the crawl, that I didn’t notice anywhere else in the edit.

  • Technical issue: The Jakku regrade. I love it conceptually, but it’s inconsistent. Namely, during dusk and dawn. The sand looks too orange during these scenes for me, and it doesn’t feel like it matches the pale, bleached color that it has the rest of the time. Compare Rey bringing her wares to Simon Pegg (which, based on the sun, is happening at sunset) to Rey finding BB-8 (also at sunset). The latter scene is much more colorful. I feel like, for consistency, the sand should be more desaturated, kinda dark greyish.

  • Technical issue: Bass crackling, mainly during the interrogation scenes (both of them). Maybe it’s just my headphones; but I haven’t noticed it in any other version of TFA that I’ve watched, so I’m not sure why it would happen here.

  • Story issue: I would remove the first part of the Echoes during Poe’s interrogation - i.e. the ones heard before Poe is slammed back. For two reasons: A) The final line wasn’t even heard by Poe, and B) Because it negatively affects Rey’s interrogation. Bear with me here - Kylo is able to immediately access Poe’s memories. But, he’s not supposed to be able to break into Rey’s mind. So if he immediately hears Poe’s thoughts, then we already know from the first second of Rey’s interrogation (when he doesn’t hear anything) that he won’t be able to break her. Thus, Rey’s interrogation is immediately devoid of any sort of tension. If it takes a moment to break into Poe’s mind, then we still maintain that tension when trying to break into Rey’s mind.

  • Story issue: I don’t think Kylo’s prayer should be so early. If we’re looking at the structure from outside of the story, it makes sense; because we know he’s thinking of his mom. But internally, it detracts from the pacing of the story, and of the character. The prayer is this incredible moment of vulnerability, which recontextualizes our main antagonist. Put that too early, and we don’t have much of an opinion of Kylo yet, so there’s barely any character defined yet to recontextualize. Additionally, you give Kylo a huge moment of internal conflict early on, and then have him act like “Generic Bad Guy” for the next hour of the runtime. It doesn’t feel like a intricate, nuanced character, it feels like uneven characterization. Instead, I would put the Prayer maybe after Snoke tells him “You’ve never faced such a test” (to compliment Snoke’s uncertainty about Kylo’s strength and commitment); or else it would go nicely after Han & Co. arrive at Maz’s, but before the First Order comes (as if Kylo is praying before the battle. Maybe he even suspects his father will be there, and he needs to steel himself.) Or, maybe after Hux berates him for letting his personal feelings affect the mission.

  • Technical issue: Finn waking up at sunrise doesn’t work for me, I’m afraid, for a few reasons: A) There’s a weird, noticeable glow mask around his head when he first wakes up. B) Again, the color of the sand doesn’t match the daylight color, and C) The lighting jumps instantaneously between shots, rather than gradually brightening throughout the sequence. If you want to keep Finn waking up when it’s dark, keep everything the same until after the TIE explodes; then, increase the brightness during each of the shots of Finn trudging, lost, through the desert. Each of these shots is designed to indicate passage of time already, and seeing the daylight brighten between each shot will only help establish the feeling that Finn has been wandering for a long time.

  • Technical issue: Some of the new music cues aren’t mixed properly. I noticed it at 1:11:55 (Resistance arrival at Planet Maz), 1:53:56 (during the Rey and Kylo duel), and 2:05:30 (the new music added to the end credits). It sounds like it’s going from the surround mix to a mono mix or something like that.

  • Story suggestion: Maybe Rey could hear a snippet of Kylo’s Prayer during the interrogation scene, before she speaks to Kylo directly. It’s not necessary, but it would be a fun way of subverting the interrogation if the audience is expecting to hear Rey’s thoughts, and then we suddenly hear Kylo’s.

  • Story issue: I absolutely adore crosscutting Rey’s escape with Phasma’s patrol. It adds so much tension to think that Phasma is coordinating the whole effort. But! All of this amazing work you did to establish that tension is undone with one iffy cut. When Chewie tackles Phasma, it’s a slapstick moment, and it completely drops all of the tension out of the sequence. Not to mention, we spend so long before cutting back to Rey that we forget she’s in peril. So instead, I would tweak it just slightly to this: Rey triggers the sensor > Phasma says “I won’t tolerate sloppiness.” > The trooper says it’s a false alarm > Cut back to Phasma walking, she says “Acknowled–OOF” as Chewie tackles her > Finn “Follow me” scene > Kylo on Falcon. That way, the slapstick serves as a palate cleanser after the tense moment with Rey.

  • Technical issue: When Kylo is with Han on the bridge and hears Leia’s voice, just one of the Leia clips (“We can still save him”) is stuck on the left channel. Since it’s the only one, it feels like an error.

  • Story issue: After Starkiller fires and Rey and Finn escape, I would drop the music entirely as they run through the forest, only bringing it back in when they hear the lightsaber ignite. You did such a wonderful job of crafting this breathtaking, heart-stopping sequence when the weapon fires; this music here then create a feeling of excitement and anticipation. The music detracts from the feeling of hopelessness, whereas silence - with just the wind whispering across a desolate, empty forest - I think, would enhance it.

  • Technical suggestion: We see Poe enter the oscillator, then the TIE behind him peels off, and then…something explodes behind him. If you cut to the interior shot of the oscillator just a few frames earlier, before the TIE turns, would it feel like the TIE crashes trying to chase him? As it is, I didn’t really know what caused the explosion.

  • Technical issue: Agreed with some of the others here, Rey’s Sith-y eyes don’t really pop. When she opens them, it doesn’t feel super impactful. They need to be much brighter yellow, even glowing a bit.

I’m not trying to be a nagging Nellie here, because most of this edit is indeed incredible. I think if you just address these relatively few critiques, Starlight will become my go-to version of TFA. Seriously, well done, Nev. I’ll keep an eye out for a V2!