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Post #1465165

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TFA: A Gentle Restructure (Released)
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Date created
3-Jan-2022, 8:54 AM

Changes to consider from STARLIGHT: (Error fixes and continuity improvements)


  • Animate the ladder of Poe’s X-wing to retract as he powers up the vessel.
  • Remove the continuity error of Kylo’s saber glow before it is activated to kill Lor-San Tekka.
  • Insert an etching of an island behind the pilot doll in Rey’s house to illustrate the content of her dreams.
  • Insert a light activating on the Falcon as it powers up, a light which Han deactivates later. This light indicates a tracking device which explains how Han found the Falcon so quickly.


  • Cut the exchange where BB-8 traitorously divulges the location of the Resistance Base while still including the droid’s thumbs up.
  • Remove the ‘Cute boyfriend?’ repetition.
  • Restore scene of Han hanging his dice in the Falcon cockpit, as well as color correct shots directly before the scene so that it more accurately blends into the footage. (Further blends TFA with TLJ)
  • Remove Rey saying ‘Luke’ to Maz, allowing some more room for interpretation as to whether Maz is referring to Luke or Finn
  • Add sound effect of Destroyer exiting Hyperspace to help explain why everyone suddenly notices its presence.
  • Insert a new shot of the pirate ship Meson Martinet from Rey’s point of view, indicating that she intends to leave with Finn.
  • Rey’s frightened look upon killing Stormtroopers is accompanied by a sinister whispering taken from The Last Jedi.
  • Restructure the end of the Maz Castle battle so that Finn begins to run to Rey before it is obvious that he is too late.


  • Remove the comparison of the Starkiller to the Death Star. (They should be comparing to Death Star II)
  • Leia’s ‘…again. Our system is the next target’ is replaced with her saying ‘The Senate is the target’, to which Poe adds ‘The Hosnian System’.
  • Intercut deleted scene of Kylo on the Falcon with the prior scenes, altered to include new music and sound effects indicating his happy memories on the ship.
  • Remove Poe’s lines reiterating how the sun draining works, in order to more quickly show the TIE interception.
  • Move 3PO’s line ‘It would take a miracle to save us now!’ until later, and include unused lines from Poe indicating that they are switching focus to dealing with the TIE fighters before attempting another run on the Oscillator.
  • Edit massive gulf that opens between the combatants to become merely a several meter crack in the ground. Remove shot of massive canyon.
  • Remove Snoke’s line ‘It is time to complete his training’, replacing it with the lines ‘There has been an awakening.’
  • Add shot of canyon forming to Rey collapsed over Finn in order to let the moment land.
  • Add the Binary Beacon to Finn’s bedside, implying Rey placed it there for him to find.
  • Remove the overly formal ‘my friend’ from Rey saying ‘Thank you, my friend’.