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"Weird Al" Yankovic - Just Stupid Enough (Complete Videography) [WIP]


Every video from 1980 to 2013 upscaled/remastered in 4K with restored audio and hours of bonus content.

Will be released as MKV files in corresponding folders.

Music Videos:

  1. My Bologna [1980]
  2. Another One Ride The Bus (Live On The Tomorrow Show) [1981]
  3. Ricky [1983]
  4. I Love Rocky Road [1983]
  5. Eat It [1984]
  6. Eat It (Coverage Take) [1984]
  7. I Lost On Jeopardy [1984]
  8. This Is The Life [1984]
  9. Like A Surgeon [1985]
  10. Dare To Be Stupid [1985]
  11. One More Minute [1985]
  12. Living With A Hernia [1986]
  13. Christmas At Ground Zero [1986]
  14. Fat [1988]
  15. Patterns [1988]
  16. Money For Nothing / Beverly Hillbillies * [1989]
  17. UHF [1989]
  18. Smells Like Nirvana [1992]
  19. You Don’t Love Me Anymore [1992]
  20. Polka Your Eyes Out (Live On Dr. Demento’s 20th Anniversary) [1992]
  21. Jurassic Park [1993]
  22. Bedrock Anthem [1993
  23. Bohemian Polka [1993]
  24. Headline News [1995]
  25. Amish Paradise [1996]
  26. Gump [1996]
  27. The Alternative Polka [1996]
  28. Spy Hard [1997]
  29. The Saga Begins [1999]
  30. It’s All About The Pentiums [1999]
  31. Polka Power [2000]
  32. Bob [2003]
  33. Angry White Boy Polka [2003]
  34. Don’t Download This Song [2006]
  35. I’ll Sue Ya [2006]
  36. Virus Alert [2006]
  37. Close But No Cigar [2006]
  38. Pancreas [2006]
  39. Weasel Stomping Day [2006]
  40. White & Nerdy [2007]
  41. Do I Creep You Out [2006]
  42. Polkarama [2006]
  43. Trapped In The Drive-Thru [2008]
  44. Craigslist [2010
  45. Skipper Dan [2010]
  46. CNR [2010]
  47. Ringtone [2010]
  48. TMZ [2011]
  49. Party In The CIA [2011]
  50. Another Tattoo [2011]
  51. If That Isn’t Love [2011]
  52. Whatever You Like [2011]
  53. Stop Forwarding That Crap To Me [2011]
  54. Perform This Way [2012]
  55. Polka Face [2012]
  56. Tacky [2014]
  57. Word Crimes [2014]
  58. Foil [2014]
  59. Handy [2014]
  60. Sports Song [2014]
  61. First World Problems [2014]
  62. Lame Claim To Fame [2014]
  63. Mission Statement [2014]
  64. North Korea Polka (Live On John Oliver) [2017]
  65. The Hamilton Polka [2018]
  66. Your Horoscope For Today [2023]

Bonus Features:
The Compleat Al [1985]
There’s No Going Home [1996]
The Weird Al Show [1997]
Behind The Music Special [1999]
VH1’s Driven Special [2002]


i cant wait for this, im a big fan of Weird al

I have no more links sorry.

Will do in future though


This is amazing, definitely looking forward to this one Mango


Very cool! Thanks for doing this!


I’m very excited about this. Looking forward to an update, whenever there is one!


As time marches on and technology keeps updating, it becomes more and more clear that the best way to upscale is never what I try first. After countless attempts and hours upon hours of experimentation, I have determined that Topaz Video Enhance AI’s upscaling technology is best suited for HD, not 4K. I always have more technical flaws with 4K, and to be fair, the majority of this project is sourced from video. Thats being said, the results of the newest attempts have been quite stunning.

Working very hard on this project and want to finish it by early next year. Ideally, I would love to have it out by Christmas, but it will probably be sometime in January or early February. Screenshots from a few videos will be posted tomorrow.

~ Mango




Dare To Be Stupid

Smells Like Nirvana

This Is The Life

I am having some issues so these are obviously subject to change, but these images serve as good tests.


Chewielewis said:

Ooof that DNR is insane

For the record, these are test images. None of what you’re seeing is final.

I find that theres a huge divide amongst people who think DNR should be used or not. I find that it depends on the individual project. In the case of this project, the goal is not to preserve in HD but to restore or make better than what is already available. If I were just going for a straight preservation, I wouldn’t bother using an upscaler at all, I would just uprez and call it a day.

Keep in mind that the majority of these videos were shot on film then transferred to video for editing. And of course, just like with any project, it is never going to look perfect. I’m doing what I can to improve it, but I’m not a professional and I’m just doing this because I thought it would be fun. I’m sorry I’m not doing it to your standards, but you’re free to do your own project of restoring these videos. All the sources are readily available.


As I continue to experiment, I realize that I might be trying to do too much to save the image. DNR can be useful, but I’ve been relying on it far too much for this project. The final result will have minimal DNR, much more detail and will just overall be better than my tests. As with all of my projects, the longer I experiment, the better the end result. Expect some screenshots within the next few days. I’m also updating the first post to list all the bonus features.


I’ve decided to only include the videos between 1979 and 2007 as upscaling videos shot in HD seems rather pointless. Instead, I’m just gonna do the ones shot in SD. I’m going for a kind of minimalist approach to the whole thing. The detail will be clearer and the image upscaled to 1080, but there will be little to no denoising. My experiments with DNR removed to much detail, and it’s just not worth doing that way.

I’ve spent the past 3 nights working all night to figure out the best solution, and DNR is just not gonna work for these. I hope everyone enjoys the final product. It will still beat the copies on youtube by a long shot.


Screenshots from the new versions.


I Love Rocky Road:

Eat It:

Dare To Be Stupid:



Mango said:

Screenshots from the new versions.


I Love Rocky Road:

Eat It:

Dare To Be Stupid:


They look so good


I actually found a bootleg VHS of the Behind The Music special on eBay, so I’ll use it as my source for it. The versions online are quite poor quality.


Due to technical issues trying to save virtually unsavable material, the bonus features will be restored in SD. I will try to improve them somewhat, but the quality on some of them is atrocious. I have also decided to cut a few of the bonus features (The Compleat Al, The Weird Al Show, Al’s Home Movies) as they are readily available in good quality. I may do proper upscales of some of them later, but the main purpose here is to make a simple but fun collection of things that are somewhat rare.

Thanks for the feedback on the new versions btw. More screenshots, and progress reports coming soon. We’re moving along very nicely with this project. 😃

~ Mango


Working on this yet again. Hopefully will be ready in time for Christmas, and Project DEVO will be ready early next year.



Just after I posted that update, the youtube version of Eat It was upgraded to a 4K remaster from the original film. Looks like official restorations are underway. This is the best possible outcome, and I’m officially canceling this project. 😄


Mango said:


Just after I posted that update, the youtube version of Eat It was upgraded to a 4K remaster from the original film. Looks like official restorations are underway. This is the best possible outcome, and I’m officially canceling this project. 😄

Didnt he release a new version of the eat it video?

I have no more links sorry.

Will do in future though


After closer inspection of the 4K version of Eat It, it seems al was barely able to remaster that video, as the film elements were in poor condition. It seems to be a one time thing that was apparently only done for his new movie. The remaster is also missing a sight gag where Al’s breath causes the camera lens to fog up.

I’m sorry for the abrupt cancellation. That was my mistake. Project is still underway, and I hope to have some things ready soon.


Sorry for the delay. I’ve had a lot going on in my personal life for the past few years. Sometimes I have long periods of time where I wonder whether my projects are even worth doing. My anxiety tells me “nobody will care” even though I know that’s untrue. I’ve made a lot of empty promises to you guys and I’m very sorry. This year was supposed to be really involved for me, but health issues came creeping in, and long story short, I now have a pacemaker.

I hope nobody feels like I’ve cheated them on these projects. Working with SD sources is extremely difficult, especially with the bare minimum of technology and software to edit things. AI upscaling while quite impressive, is still in its infancy. It takes much more than just putting a file through an upscaler. Everything has to be adjusted for each individual video. This is why this and my DEVO project have been taking so long. I was attempting to just come up with a simple one step solution for every video, but now I realize it takes a lot of tweaking and experimenting.

I promise I will at least deliver a small group of videos from this project by christmas, say the first 3 albums worth. This little A’V restoration community means the world to me, and this hobby has given me a way to pass my time that doesn’t stress me out and feels rewarding. I love you all. Thank you so much for your patience and support.