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Post #1464418

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Halloween 6: The Curse of Michael Myers "Hybrid Cut" (Released)
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Date created
29-Dec-2021, 7:45 PM

BobbyDigital said:

RulerOfRock said:

Hello there. As a long time Halloween fan and an owner of the entire saga on blu-ray I would love to see this cut!

hiphats said:

I’m interested! PM me!

starkos08 said:

I would love to see the cut. PM Please.

Terrifier said:

I’m a little late to the party but I’d love to see your cut of the film. I own the producers cut and the theatrical version. I’m really interested in checking it out because both versions brought cool things to the table but left out others.

DoctorDolemite0 said:

This sounds amazing. Sent you PM. Hope to get a link soon 😉

itsstars said:

Is it possible you can send me a link also please

Turtlejet said:

If you’re still checking this thread, I’d love to see your edit.

matthewclan said:

Hey I’d love a copy of your Halloween 6 hybrid cut!
I own both versions.

mnknut30 said:

i own both blu rays of the producers cut and the theatrical cut. I want to see this cut!! This is one of my favorite entries but always wanted to see a different cut of it.

AspiringCreator said:

I own both versions of the movie (Had to get them recently for the sake of a marathon I had before the release of Halloween Kills.) and honestly this sounds very interesting. I’ve always been curious about how a combined cut of this movie would look so I’d like a link to this.

Mariachi said:


Me and my GF have had a bit of a marathon with Halloween films this last week. I would really like to see this version as both Theatrical and Producers versions have their own merits. I hope you are still looking at this forum. Can you send a link please?

Happy Halloween!

Mario said:

That fanedit sounds really amazing and is exactly what I searching for. Could you send me the link please?

MY3RSF4N said:

BobbyDigital said:

ZombiEsushi said:

I would love to see this!


Could you send me a pm too pls?

red41804 said:

Can you send me a PM?

feronstost said:

I just got into this series and own both cuts. I’ve yet to watch either, but I’d love to watch this one once I do!

Davidxxx69 said:

I would really love to see your version. I just watched the producers cut last night and am going to watch the theatrical cut today. But a blend of both sounds amazing.

I’ve just sent you all PMs! Sorry for being extremely late in getting back to you. I don’t always get email notifications when someone replies in here, so I will try to check this thread much more often.

Thx, but for some reason i can’t download it, downloading stops at a point