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Post #1464036

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The Force Awakens: Starlight (V1.1 Released!)
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Date created
27-Dec-2021, 9:45 PM

Thank you for sharing the link, and for all the hard work you put into this. I think it is a fantastic edit on the whole, surpassing Restructured for best TFA edit out there. A few thoughts on the edit, for what they’re worth:


  • The overall look of the film, and the re-grading of Jakku.
  • The shifts in the Snoke/Kylo/Hux scenes, especially delaying the reveal. The theatrical always felt to me like it broke the fourth wall, whereas learning it from Han and Leia feels more natural and emotionally grounded. Really good.
  • Moving “there’s been an awakening” to the end.
  • The sequence of shots after Starkiller Base fires is perfect.
  • Integrating the Kylo on the Falcon deleted scene into the attack on Starkiller Base.


  • I like adding the voices to the first interrogation scene but then felt like I was expecting them for the Rey/Kylo scene as well. It feels like this is a spot where those might fit well. You could incorporate some lines from this movie (“they’ll come back, one day,” “he means nothing to me”), but this would also be a spot where a bunch of lines from the rest of the trilogy could come in as a sort of foreshadowing since this is the moment where the “dyad” comes together for the first time.
  • On the other hand, the voices when Han and Kylo confront each other felt superfluous given how well acted the scene is to start with.
  • I agree with what I think someone said above that Rey’s Sith eyes don’t quite “pop” and it might not be exactly clear what they are supposed to be to someone not expecting them. But the reveal is shocking and really hits the way I assume you intended.
  • Could Palpatine’s voice be louder in Rey’s vision?


  • TR-8R’s new dialogue: felt like a little too much to me.