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Bowling for Coruscant — Page 2

It's still not good enough, I'll write a better one later.
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering
I like it!

alot of the footage you mentioned can sourced off the 04 bonus disc

Egon "Don't Cross the streams it would be very bad"

Peter "i'm fuzzy on the whole good/bad thing"

Egon "lmagine the 97 Star Wars Special Editions"
Applause for the script. I think we can certainly get this together, even if it is very minimal quality. Then we just get in online and bounce it around. It will be amazing.

norinradd - your sig is great
"You don't own space, so stop actin' like you do."
It still lacks timing, we need more "aww that's nice" stuff before we get to the "uh oh not good" stuff: before we mention the Special Editions we gotta make sure the viewer loves the O-OT as much as we do, so that when we present the SEs, he is pissed too. It's a good old documentary trick (as seen in "Roger and Me"). So I'll try to re-write the whole first part a.s.a.p., and post here.
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering
I'm a navy journalist, right now I'm stationed at Misawa Air Base, Japan. My job is to make TV spots and news stories.

I know how to use Avid (for those of you who don't know, that's the leading non-linear video editing system, Lucasfilm uses it, as well as many other professional production companies).

I've been thinking the same thing over the past couple of days, that I should make a documentary about this.

Eventually I'm going to do it. When I do it, it will be professional. That's not saying an amateur documentary can't get the point across, because it can. But if it's professional, people won't automatically dismiss it as amateur. Viewers are pretty harsh when it comes to video quality, they put it right next to your credibility without even thinking about it.

Anyway, I'm up for a change of duty station this coming April. I'll be finding out where I'm going next within the next couple of weeks. I'm requesting Europe, because all the good military broadcasting jobs are overseas. But Norfolk, Virginia is my second choice.

If I end up in the states, I'm definately putting a documentary together. If I end up in Europe, it would be more difficult doing it there, since most of the things I'd need to shoot and most of the people I'd need to interview are in the US.

I'll keep everyone posted on this...I just wish George Lucas had waited until I was out of the Navy to release the Ruined Edition DVDs.

In the meantime, if anyone has any ideas as to what points to cover, or any suggestions for who I could interview in the future, let me know.

To sum up, I'm *going* to make a professional documentary about this, but being in the Navy will probably delay it for a while (I get to sign my soul back in June 2007)
D0CT0R_W40, a professional documentary would be awesome, yet I feel we need to get the word out as soon as possible, and I see you'll take some time to get this together. So here's what I feel we could do, we could work by ouselves as much as we can, gathering material and writting some scenes and getting some interviews, and trying to edit the whole thing. So by the time you start shooting the real documentary, you can use as much material as you can, and if, for some reason, you don't do it, at least we'll have something...
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering
Lethe -- Yeah, I know I need a lot of RAM, but thanks for the advice about the CPU.

norinradd -- I know that some (or all?) Macs have dual processors, but where do I find a PC like that other than building it myself. I'm really not that up on the intricacies of computer building to build my own, so I just want to get a pre-built one, and also that way I should avoid any compatability problems which always seem to plague me even when I add an HP device to an HP computer. I want to make this easy, but get the best pre-built computer, for my purposes, that I can. If you have any other advice, I guess PM me so we don't get this thread off-topic. THANK YOU very much for your help though.

ricarleite -- Not to be picky, but the name is actually Sebastian Shaw, not Shawn. We need to get it right for the narration. And if I can make a suggestion, I'd leave out any reference to the Prequel Trilogy except if it is in context such as "Lucas is making further changes to make his 20 year old Trilogy fit together better with his new Prequel Trilogy" for example. Otherwise I think we should keep this focused squarely on the Original Trilogy and not confuse the issue. The point is that it is the OT that we care about and want to preserve. We shouldn't spend precious screen time mocking the Prequels, they are irrelevant to our cause. Besides, none of it should be in an insulting tone, we should be respectful to Lucas in the doc so that we are more sympathetic. Remember, our position is that we don't mind Lucas tinkering with his movies as long as he provides us with the original versions on DVD and eventually HD-DVD. We want to have a positive messae (ie, the SE's are fine, but we want to PRESERVE the original). We want to stress the preservation angle and not cloud the issue with negativity toward the new versions. We are free to think whatever we want about the SEs, but think of this as a propaganda piece...and propaganda must be delicately crafted to gain wide support, and not alienate those who otherwise might help. We don't want to alienate people who like the SEs and/or feel it is sacrelige to criticize Lucas. Most of those people would probably support an effort to preserve the OT, but if it isn't as important to them as it is to us then we risk offending them if we are too harsh on Lucas, the SE's or even the Prequels. Believe me, being all PC and nice is not in my nature either, but it is really required here. This is propaganda, not neccessarily a documentary. It is more important for us to gain support than to be totally open about our feelings and anger here. And, we don't want to come off as a bunch of angry fan-boys, but rather dedicated film preservationists. This is key. If the film doesn't garner us any support it is a complete waste of time. As far as using "tricks" from films like "Roger And Me" that's not a bad idea, because those films (Moore's films) are propaganda, not documentaries, but that is fine for our purposes, because that is what we want to make as well. Remember, our primary purpose isn't documenting the tampering-with of the OT and the denial of the original cut's existence (it's common knowledge among fans), but to gain attention and support for our cause. The only difference between our propaganda film and Moore's propaganda film is that everything that we say will be objectively true, where Moore's films are riddled with lies, half-truths and deceptions, and as full of holes as a Dan Rather "news story" on CBS's 60 Minutes. So, if we stick to the truth (which is our weapon) then we'll wind up making a nice documentary as well as a propaganda piece without even trying, but that is just a bonus, we're more concerned with influencing people to help us.

Your ideas so far are pretty good though. We should have a number of us get together and write the script. Physically that will probably be impossible, so we can exchange email addresses and knock around ideas like that and piece it together online between us. Hopefully we can get an even wider group of people to film, gather and edit footage as well. Every bit counts. We should also do some signature gathering at conventions to put together a physical paper petition and then mail it to Lucasfilm when we have a crapload of signatures. And we should definetly gather at SW Celebration III, gather names for the petition there and just make our cause known in general there and at other conventions. Who's with me on this?
"What is best in life Conan?"
"To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women!"
D0CT0R_W40 -- We could definetly use your help. Let us know if you can help us on our film and we'll help you with yours when you get around to making it. But ricarleite is right, we should get something made as soon as possible.
"What is best in life Conan?"
"To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women!"
I'll be more than happy to help you guys in any way I can.
"and Dual processors, They help alot if your apps are multi-threaded"

Very few apps are at this point, and those few are very expensive. It's a whole lotta dough for very little improvement at this point. Get one bad-ass processor, and use the extra money to upgrade your other components. A steel chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: Sadly, I believe the prequels are beyond repair.
<span class=“Bold”>JediRandy: They’re certainly beyond any repair you’re capable of making.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: You aren’t one of us.
<span class=“Bold”>Go-Mer-Tonic: I can’t say I find that very disappointing.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>JediRandy: I won’t suck as much as a fan edit.</span>

Thank you D0CT0R_W40, we appreciate any help we can get

MeBeJedi -- thanks for the tip. You wouldn't happen to know the relative strength's and weaknesses of the Sony Vaio (media center) Vs. the HP (media center), would you?
Also, when will your DVD transfer be available?
"What is best in life Conan?"
"To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women!"
Ah, see thats the difference my pc knowledge is crap I didn't know if windows or whatever OS/application you were going to use had support for Dual Pro.

Like you say Mebejedi there has to be support for it...I better keep quiet then
Egon "Don't Cross the streams it would be very bad"

Peter "i'm fuzzy on the whole good/bad thing"

Egon "lmagine the 97 Star Wars Special Editions"
I just ordered a dual 2.5 Ghz powermac G5, but apple is having problems shipping them or something, so I'm not sure when it's getting here. I got it to do video editing and 3d animation on. I'm not sure about other video editing apps, but I know Avid takes advantage of dual processors. It's extremely helpful when you're rendering, but to be honest, if you aren't getting paid for doing this sort of thing, a single processor with lots of ram will work fine.

As for the film itself...

plan, plan, plan, plan. Who's our target audience? What are we trying to tell them? Why do they need to know? How can we tell them?

ricarleite, you have the right idea going...but you're limiting the audience to star wars fans. I think our audience should be wider than that. I think (as silly as this sounds) we need to assume that the people watching this have never seen star wars, or if they have, they don't know anything about original vs. special editions. Watch a couple of news magazines like Dateline, 48 Hours, 60 Minutes, etc. I know you've all probably watched the before, but this time watch them and think about their approach. They always pull you in, and they keep pulling until the payoff at the end. A good news story or documentary will make you sit there glued to it until it's over even though you don't really care about it. Granted, most people that watch this *will* care about it, but there's also a big chunk of the audience that will either be watching just because they're curious, or just because their friend sent it to them, or just because they want to see what the fuss is about, etc. Our goal shouldn't be to tell the original trilogy fans what they already know. Our goal should be to persuade the other star wars fans who don't mind the new versions to want the originals; as well as to at least get the attention of people who don't really care one way or the other. That last one is the toughest one...and if we aim for that goal, the other goals will easily be accomplished.

So, to get started with planning, let's tackle the most obvious and seemingly simple question first:

What do we need to say?

I was thinking of focussing it on George Lucas taking full credit for the Star Wars movies when he doesn't really deserve it. That would be the cause, and the affect would be that he's ruined those movies by abusing his power.

That's just what I think it should be though...I'm sure everyone has an idea of what they want it to be. So share your ideas, but try to keep focused on that question, we'll worry about the other aspects as we come to them. Step by step.

I hope I'm not coming across as a know-it-all...I'm trying not to. But I do this stuff for a living.
D0CT0R_W40, I belive we should focus on the SEs very much, and yes, use the "propaganda" style to make our voice heard. I belive we could go on and show Star Wars O-OT in a way that those who are unfamiliar to SW and those who are familiar with it will understand what the movies are about. We gotta create some sort of close relation between the viewer and the O-OT, and show how good it was. Then, as a surprise, we show up the SEs, as it's some sort of a villain... We show GL as the hypocrite lier he is... Show the inconsistences between what he says and the true facts... I'm rather busy right now, I'll detail it better later...
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering
Nearly all osx apps are MP aware so you will see a big benefit i do, 2.5 liquid cooled bad boy thats a nice purchase are you gonna stick 8 gig ram in straight away?

Did you go for the 6800?

Maya 6 runs kind off sweet now and we finally got unlimited

yeh it does help to get paid for the work..I do...its buys me lots of other toys

No you don't sound like a know it all, its good that we have a pool of talent here on this forum for just such a project
Egon "Don't Cross the streams it would be very bad"

Peter "i'm fuzzy on the whole good/bad thing"

Egon "lmagine the 97 Star Wars Special Editions"
Yeah, I got the 6800. I'm going to upgrade my ram to 1gig as soon as I get it, then probably to at least 4gigs eventually. I doubt I'll need more than 4. I'm mostly going to be using Lightwave on it...but I might try to learn Maya. Maya's UI is so weird though. But anyway, if we start talking about 3d animation I'll get distracted and wander off the subject lol.

This weekend I'm going to get my hands on as many Star Wars interviews/documentaries/articles as I can, to get all of this stuff fresh in my mind. I'll do some brainstorming too, then by Monday we should be ready to get the creative process rolling.

Some of the stuff I might not be able to get a hold of, since I'm in Japan. There are a number of things Lucas said in the interviews that were on the THX"original - one last time" versions, which I don't have with me over here. Mainly I remember him saying that he planned to direct only Episode I, and then hand it over to someone else to do Episode II, and someone else to do Episode III (which he didn't do, obviously). He also said in those interviews "movies are an art, not a business," which doesn't explain all the excessive merchandising.

Can someone watch those interviews and take notes? If someone has the time to type out what he said in those interviews, that would be awesome too. Anything he says that contradicts what he's been doing we can really use.
Even though I know diddly squat about moviemaking and marketing, I could be (and actually wouldn't mind being) of service to you: I have quite a few nice "quality-of-storytelling" arguments against the changes (as you probably all do), I master the French language perfectly (if you need some translators, to maybe give it a more "international" flavor), and I'm a university-trained musicologist used to writing (and criticizing bad music-making, as in the end of the SE ROTJ). If that helps you...
Thanks everyone for all the input on the computers. I still need to talk to Vaio (Media Center) owners and HP (Media Center) owners though.

Anyway, D0CT0R_W40, I don't think we should get too caught up in proving that Lucas has "lied" or contradicted himself, that's irrelevant. Besides anyone who has given as many interviews as he has will have some inconsistencies, and he is allowed to change his mind. Who cares if he said he was only going to direct one prequel and wound up directing all three? It doesn't matter, we don't even care about the Prequels anyway, we only care about the OT. So, I think we should just stick to our concerns about preserving the original cut of the OT and that's it. We should come at it from a film preservationists perspective. On that note we can and certainly should point out that Lucas used to say that he was concerned with film preservation (like the whole Three Stooges thing for example) and now is trying to bury the original versions of his own films. That's relevant, so it should be pointed out. However, if we just get into a pattern of pointing out Lucas' inconsistencies and contradictions whether they relate to our cause or not, the film will look like an unorganized, rambling, pointless anti-Lucas diatribe. We want to avoid that. We need to be VERY focused on our objective here.

Our objective: Educating Star Wars and film fans about the plight of the original versions of the OT and creating in the viewer a desire to watch these original versions, preserve them and own a digital copy of them. This will hopefully lead to an active fan demand and outcry that hopefully Lucas can not ignore which in the best-case scenario would result in Lucas relenting and releasing the original versions of the OT on DVD, and hopefully on all subsequent dominant video formats.

The tone we should take when pointing out a Lucas hypocrisy (such as the stooges example) is dissappointment and sadness, the first stage of emotion when your hero dissappoints you. We should not take an angry, abusive, insulting tone towards Lucas, because that is not exactly going to make him want to please us and it may turn off SW fans who don't mind the changes, casual SW fans and the like who, if given a choice would like to have the original OT on DVD.
"What is best in life Conan?"
"To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women!"
Rattlehead, I think I'm going to have to disagree with you. The direct problem is that Lucas isn't releasing the original trilogy, yes. But at the root of that problem is the fact that George Lucas is the number one man at Lucasfilm. He's the number one man at Lucasfilm because he took too much credit for Star Wars.

I do see where you're coming from. You think that if we focus on all that stuff, it'll end up being a jumbled mess. Trust me, it won't. All that stuff comes together to answer the "why" questions. If we don't have a "why," all this will be is a few star wars fans whining and complaining.

There are plenty of film preservationists out there who aren't star wars fans. Those are the ones we need to get a hold of. If we don't give them solid reasons to disagree with Lucas, they aren't going to care one way or the other.

It may sound like it will be taking on too much, but it really isn't.

If we do what you suggested, we'd only really have what you pointed out. That one quote concerning the colorization of The Three Stooges, and clips to show the differences between the OT and the '04 dvds. That's enough to tell people "we're star wars fans and we want the original trilogy." With all due respect, I think we need to convey a stronger message than that, such as "George Lucas has taken more credit than he deserves, and is a disgrace to filmmakers everywhere."

Perfect 5th, that sounds great, thanks! If we could have it translated to French, that would be awesome. And what are your music composing & recording capabilities?

One last thing, Rattlehead, I don't recommend buying a generic brand computer for doing anything creative or professional. It will work, but you're limiting your options. Personally, I'd get an Alienware if I wanted to use a PC http://www.alienware.com/main_creative_pro.aspx. Think about it this way: Generic brand companies are targetting their products at home users who are interested in getting started, while the expensive companies offer what professionals actually need because they know professionals won't be scared away by the price. If you're comfortable with using a Mac (most people aren't for some reason) I highly recommend a PowerMac G5.

Originally posted by: D0CT0R_W40
Rattlehead, I think I'm going to have to disagree with you. The direct problem is that Lucas isn't releasing the original trilogy, yes. But at the root of that problem is the fact that George Lucas is the number one man at Lucasfilm. He's the number one man at Lucasfilm because he took too much credit for Star Wars.

No, he's the number one man at Lucasfilm because he owns the company! The company was founded by him and is named LUCASFILM, not MurenFilm or BurttFilm or KurtzFilm or anything like that.

And regardless of how much "credit" someone takes, the film traditionally "belongs" creatively to the director, sometimes producer as well. Of course Lucas complains about Studio interference, and I agree with him there, but this isn't about credit, it's about preservation. I think our position should be that we don't care if he wants to fiddle with the trilogy, and tweak it until the cows come home and every five minutes offer the new version for sale---AS LONG as he keeps the original version available. I think that will be the most reasonable position that will appeal to both SW fans and film preservationists alike.


I do see where you're coming from. You think that if we focus on all that stuff, it'll end up being a jumbled mess. Trust me, it won't. All that stuff comes together to answer the "why" questions. If we don't have a "why," all this will be is a few star wars fans whining and complaining.

There are plenty of film preservationists out there who aren't star wars fans. Those are the ones we need to get a hold of. If we don't give them solid reasons to disagree with Lucas, they aren't going to care one way or the other.

I think that my approach addresses the concernes of the film preservationists perfectly without unneccessary insults, name-calling and, seemingly pointless, Lucas-bashing. Remember we don't want to come off as a bunch of bitter, disgruntled, Star Wars geeks just venting their anger towards Lucas. That approach won't win many friends, and will TOTALLY turn Lucas off, eliminating any chance we had (however infintessimly small) of swaying him.


It may sound like it will be taking on too much, but it really isn't.

If we do what you suggested, we'd only really have what you pointed out. That one quote concerning the colorization of The Three Stooges, and clips to show the differences between the OT and the '04 dvds. That's enough to tell people "we're star wars fans and we want the original trilogy." With all due respect, I think we need to convey a stronger message than that, such as "George Lucas has taken more credit than he deserves, and is a disgrace to filmmakers everywhere."

It's not just that your approach will muddy our focus and clutter the argument, its that it is unneccessary and counterproductive. When on the one hand you are so passionate about films that this man made and on the other are calling him "a disgrace to filmmakers everywhere" you come off as schizophrenic and kooky to the general public, including film preservationists who may otherwise agree with our main grievance of the suppression of the original cut, but don't identify with eccentric sci-fi fans. With all due respect, I really think that that is the wrong way to go. There's always time later for a bitter, scathing attack on Lucas, but aren't we trying to acheive something with this project?


Perfect 5th, that sounds great, thanks! If we could have it translated to French, that would be awesome. And what are your music composing & recording capabilities?

One last thing, Rattlehead, I don't recommend buying a generic brand computer for doing anything creative or professional. It will work, but you're limiting your options. Personally, I'd get an Alienware if I wanted to use a PC http://www.alienware.com/main_creative_pro.aspx. Think about it this way: Generic brand companies are targetting their products at home users who are interested in getting started, while the expensive companies offer what professionals actually need because they know professionals won't be scared away by the price. If you're comfortable with using a Mac (most people aren't for some reason) I highly recommend a PowerMac G5.

Thanks for the input on the computer, but a Mac just isn't an option for me right now. I won't be being employed as a video editor and don't have the money to get a mac just for that reason (and Macs are expensive too). Maybe in the future if I have enough disposable income, I'll get a Mac just to be dedicated for tha purpose. The Alienware, while an awesome computer, is just too expensive. I just don't have the money to buy computers that "start" at 3K right now. I wasn't planning on getting a "generic" brand either. I was planning on getting a name brand, either Sony Vaio, or Hewlett Packard. Those are both decent products, and right now my choice is basically narrowed down to the "media center" versions of those two brands. I really just need to know the pros and cons of each so I can choose between them. Thanks everyone for the advice on the comps, but so far they are way out of my price range, so telling me to get a PowerMac or an Alienware is like saying "Get an Avid." It's just not a viable choice right now. I'm aware that when I get a factory-configured consumer model I will not have the ultimate video editing machine, but that's fine, because that's all I have the money for, and it's not like video editing is my job, I just need to know the best choice of the models that are affordable to me.

"What is best in life Conan?"
"To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women!"
Hey, please don't take anything I say personally...I don't want to argue here. I appologize if you took my post as a bash or anything like that, I didn't mean it to come off in that way.

The idea here is to make a documentary...I'm trying to say from experience that "release the originals" isn't enough material to make a decent documentary. That will also make us sound like whiney star wars geeks.

A documentary that only asks for the OT will get the attention of other Star Wars fans...but in this article Lucas directly admits that he doesn't care what the fans think. If he's not changing his mind about the OT from the number of signatures on this petition, a documentary about it won't change his mind either. If we have something that gets the attention of other directors...maybe we'll have more luck. And if we can show that Lucas has taken too much credit, that will get the attention of the other directors.

I'm going to wait and see if anyone agrees with me before I discuss this any more...if no one else agrees with me, I'll just drop the "lucas took too much credit" aspect of it, and I'll help you guys do whatever you want to do.

So everyone who wants to take part in this, or anyone who's just browsing through, what do you think? Should we A) Do a documentary that only asks for the original trilogy; or B) Do a documentary that asks that same question, but also points out that Lucas may have taken too much credit. Everybody who's reading this please tell us what you think...and read what we've both been saying before you vote

I'll be happy to help out in any way I can, whichever way we decide to do this.

By the way, This was posted recently by Jay. Let's make sure we keep that in mind while we talk about this, it's started to get just a *little* heated, and that's the last thing we want.

Originally posted by: D0CT0R_W40
Hey, please don't take anything I say personally...I don't want to argue here. I appologize if you took my post as a bash or anything like that, I didn't mean it to come off in that way.

Don't worry, I didn't take anything personally. I apologize if my post came off agitated. I wasn't, I was just defending my position.


The idea here is to make a documentary...I'm trying to say from experience that "release the originals" isn't enough material to make a decent documentary. That will also make us sound like whiney star wars geeks.

A documentary that only asks for the OT will get the attention of other Star Wars fans...but in this article Lucas directly admits that he doesn't care what the fans think. If he's not changing his mind about the OT from the number of signatures on this petition, a documentary about it won't change his mind either. If we have something that gets the attention of other directors...maybe we'll have more luck. And if we can show that Lucas has taken too much credit, that will get the attention of the other directors.

I agree with you, we need to appeal to a wider audience than just Star Wars fans (although they will remain our core audience no matter what we do), and I think appealing to film preservationists is a good idea. However, I still don't think being overly critical of Lucas (especially to the extent of bringing up irrelevant topics like the Prequels) is going to win us any friends even among other directors. In the end, hundreds (if not thousands) of people work on every movie released and/or distributed by major studios, but it always comes down to people denoting ownership of it by the director (eg: "Stanley Kubricks 2001: A Space Oddessey"). So, I wouldn't concern myself with how much "credit" he's taken. I mean he's never said that he invented the motion control camera himself, he gave credit to Dykstra, he never claimed to have built any models, painted any matte paintings, fabricated any costumes, or even shot any effects footage. I think that we should bring up the fact that the hard work of these people won't be able to be seen anymore when much of it has been replaced by CGI, but I wouldn't get too focused on how much credit Lucas takes for the films as a whole.


I'm going to wait and see if anyone agrees with me before I discuss this any more...if no one else agrees with me, I'll just drop the "lucas took too much credit" aspect of it, and I'll help you guys do whatever you want to do.

So everyone who wants to take part in this, or anyone who's just browsing through, what do you think? Should we A) Do a documentary that only asks for the original trilogy; or B) Do a documentary that asks that same question, but also points out that Lucas may have taken too much credit. Everybody who's reading this please tell us what you think...and read what we've both been saying before you vote

I'll be happy to help out in any way I can, whichever way we decide to do this.

By the way, This was posted recently by Jay. Let's make sure we keep that in mind while we talk about this, it's started to get just a *little* heated, and that's the last thing we want.

So, yeah, anyway, I hope you didn't take anything I said personally either. I don't mean to be insulting so if you get that impression please give me the benefit of the doubt and ask me what I meant. I'll afford the same respect to you. It's natural that we are passionate about this. We both think our way is right and will get more results, but as long as we keep in mind that we have the same goal we should be able to get along quite affably.

"What is best in life Conan?"
"To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women!"
Okay, cool. I'm glad we had that little disagreement, I think we both pointed out things that the other needed to hear.

Who else seriously wants to be involved in making this documentary, aside from Rattlehead and myself?
Yes, me and Doctor_W40 are obviously pretty gung ho about this. We need others. There have been a few earlier in the thread, but we need MORE! MORE MORE!

I think it'd be a good idea for all of us to gather signatures on a printed version of the petition on this site at any and all conventions or other fan events we go to and to also get footage of us getting the signatures as well, and maybe intervew a few average fans/moviegoers that we get the sigs from.

I think it'd also be good just to raise awareness in general at conventions, especially Celebration III.
"What is best in life Conan?"
"To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women!"
I'm all for it. I can edit or something, and get some interviews if you guys want. I'm into amateur filmmaking but haven't done anything in a while so I really want to do something!

Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here, this is the war room!