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Post #1462211

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YouTube/Vimeo/etc. finds for Original Trilogy making-ofs, documentaries, promos, etc.
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Date created
15-Dec-2021, 6:58 AM

Originally posted by benduwan in the Guide to Star Wars Documentaries and Special Features thread.

There’s lots of great BTS footage from the making of the ANH here that I’ve never seen before, and it’s always nice to see Gary Kurtz get some attention for a change. I’ve also added the Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher interview videos from the same YouTube channel as well, but keep in mind that the Carrie Fisher part is done entirely in French without the translator.

This three part interview is from the TV series Spécial Cinéma which ran on the French TV channel RTS in Switzerland from 1974 to 1997.

Star Wars: le tournage (1977)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsBwI99OZ_0&t - from the Les archives de la RTS YouTube channel (7 mins long - French & English).

The blurb (translated from French with Google Translate);
“Unpublished images from the shooting of Star Wars in Tunisia, brought to the Special Cinema set by Gary Kurtz, producer of the first episode of the Star Wars saga.”

Harrison Ford - Star Wars (1977)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gkg-KTXxLJ8 - from the Les archives de la RTS YouTube channel (3 mins long - French & English).

The blurb (translated from French with Google Translate);
“Still unknown in Europe in 1977, Harrison Ford is the guest of Christian Defaye on the set of Special Cinema, during the release of the first episode of Star Wars. In this first film, which will later be renamed “Episode IV: A New Hope”, Harrison Ford plays the role of Han Solo, a rebellious and arrogant pilot.”

Carrie Fischer - Star Wars (1977)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bpf8O6NYvA0 - from the Les archives de la RTS YouTube channel (3 mins long - French only).

The blurb (translated from French with Google Translate);
"Interpreting Princess Leia, a key character in the Star Wars saga, Carrie Fischer speaks French on the set of Special Cinema for the release of this first episode of Star Wars which will later be renamed "Episode IV: A New Hope “.”