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Post #1462060

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Date created
13-Dec-2021, 9:20 PM

Servii said:

jedi_bendu said:

I do think the sequel trilogy feels like a strange add-on to the saga because Anakin’s story ended in ROTJ and you’re just repeating a conflict which already happened. What I would have done it market it as a new saga. You have the Skywalker saga, TPM-ROTJ, and then the sequel saga, whatever it would be nicknamed. Even though I’ve never been fond of George’s idea of the correct watching order and like to view the original and prequel trilogies as separate entities.

But at the same time, it’s not really fair to the OT to try to retroactively frame it as just “the second half of Anakin’s story,” when it’s a lot more than that.

Not sure if you’re arguing against me, but that’s kind of my point. The OT isn’t the second half of Anakin’s story, it doesn’t work as that in the first place and treating its other aspects as side plots kind of undermines the OT.