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Hate Ewoks?


I grew up with the original trilogy but absolute hate the Ewoks. Hated them as a kid, hate them now. They just seem so unrealistic as warriors, look like kids in teddy bear suits, and cheapen the whole ending to an otherwise amazing trilogy. Am I the only one that hates them so much? Before you answer know that I even hate them more than Jar Jar Binks. As bad as that cartoon rabbit is, he only messed up an already messed up prequel trilogy. Ewoks hurt the original!

I hate them so much I just finished editing Return of the Jedi in PremierPro to completely remove them from the movie, so I can watch it in peace. Am I crazy?


No, I don’t hate Ewoks. And the movie doesn’t work if they’re edited out unless someone were to shoot whole new scenes.


I don’t hate them, but the pacing of their scenes kills the movie for a long stretch. It should have been tightened up, and they should be more vicious and tribal.


Maybe it’s because I was a 4 year old in 1983, but I’ve always loved the Ewoks.

Said it before, but George’s decisions (happy ending, not bittersweet) means my childhood is forever locked with a party on a forest moon.


I don’t hate them but I think it would’ve worked out a little better if they’d been Wookiees like George originally planned.


Mocata said:

I don’t hate them, but the pacing of their scenes kills the movie for a long stretch. It should have been tightened up, and they should be more vicious and tribal.


And in the time of greatest despair, there shall come a savior, and he shall be known as the Son of the Suns.


crissrudd4554 said:

I don’t hate them but I think it would’ve worked out a little better if they’d been Wookiees like George originally planned.

See, now that would have been cool and believable, bowcasters vs. sticks and stones. Assuming they were as realistic as Chewbacca and not like the Wookies on the Xmas special.


GlastoEls said:

Maybe it’s because I was a 4 year old in 1983, but I’ve always loved the Ewoks.

Said it before, but George’s decisions (happy ending, not bittersweet) means my childhood is forever locked with a party on a forest moon.

This is the same for me. I grew up with them just at that “right age” so perhaps we appreciate them more. I sometimes wish they could have been a little more fierce, and sounding a bit more hostile too. But it takes nothing away from my enjoyment when I see the film again.

I also enjoyed the 2 Ewok films as a kid, and the toy figures too. But the cartoon TV series was far too much, even for me!


I love the Ewoks. They follow up the lessons we’ve learned of size not mattering and how your eyes can deceive you as we can also imply they roasted and ate the stormtroopers. So they’re more dangerous than they entirely appear. It’s just like the Gungans in a way. Nobody takes them seriously until Jar Jar steps up. The Gungans and Ewoks really juxtaposition each other. In a larger general sense Obi-Wan’s lesson is rooted in what Qui-Gon taught him with valuing all life and Yoda was speaking from experience.

“Heroes come in all sizes, and you don’t have to be a giant hero. You can be a very small hero. It’s just as important to understand that accepting self-responsibility for the things you do, having good manners, caring about other people - these are heroic acts. Everybody has the choice of being a hero or not being a hero every day of their lives.” - George Lucas


Lucas was already well into writing with the intent to sell toys by then. Plenty of articles and interviews about it.

Regarding the topic; I wanted to walk out of the theater when watching how he’d ruined the 1977 story. I didn’t, but I turned on Lucas that day. Star Wars had gone from an outer space adventure to a children’s toy advertisement.

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I think the Ewoks are great. I loved them as a kid, and I still love them. Yeah, they’re cute, but they’re also dangerous. They were going to eat Han and Luke, and I’m pretty sure they ate a bunch of stormtroopers. I think the idea of these short, primitive creatures rising up to help overthrow the technologically superior Empire fits perfectly with a lot of the themes George was working with. The fact that they “seem so unrealistic as warriors” is kind of the whole point.

Edit: I’m glad they didn’t end up being wookiees, as was the original plan. It’s much more interesting if these small, non-threatening looking creatures turn the tide of battle against the Galactic Empire than it is for an army of basically sasquatches who we know use blasters and can dismember a human with relative ease.


Oh I already replied, that’s weird.

Uh, wait what I meant to say is, don’t give in to hate.


I liked Wicket, one of the things i did like about Disney Star Wars was seeing him again with his son on Endor.

They aren’t the worst aspect of ROTJ to me. Its a fairy tale as Kershner would say.

The worst aspect was Harrison basically having nothing to do and going through the motions. Han was the weakest part. Mark Hamill was fantastic as Luke and really delivered. Carrie was sort of just there like Harrison, just to finish the thing. Out of obligation but Leia was also a much weaker character in that film.


The worst aspect was Harrison basically having nothing to do and going through the motions. Han was the weakest part. Mark Hamill was fantastic as Luke and really delivered. Carrie was sort of just there like Harrison, just to finish the thing. Out of obligation but Leia was also a much weaker character in that film.

I noticed that’s a recurring problem with the third film of each trilogy. The third film kind of gets tunnel vision on the main character at the expense of the other characters.