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Post #1460935

Darth Malgus
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Unpopular Opinion Thread
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Date created
6-Dec-2021, 7:18 AM


  1. Dave Filoni is overrated. I enjoy what he’s done, but he takes forever to develop his characters, plot, and to tell an actual story; I think Bad Batch was the worst about this. He also relies on the exact same premise for all of his shows: “A group of mercenaries doing mercenary things adopt a young mysterious orphan and form a family”. Rebels, The Mandalorian and The Bad Batch are just reskins of the same exact show; even TCW could be argued to fall into this trope. Also, I think that people who say that he should run Star Wars are wrong. In my opinion Dave Filoni represents everything you don’t want in someone who is managing an existing franchise. He’s the type of person who wants the benefits of working in an existing franchise without any of the restrictions or responsibilities that come with it. A ‘creative’ who enters the world of an existing franchise like Star Wars inherits a fan base, prestige, budget, characters, and a world without putting in an ounce of effort. They don’t have to try and weave important information into their stories while balancing things like pace. It’s an enormous advantage. It’s not without some drawbacks and restrictions though. A new comer should have to fit their story within the pre-built framework. When a creative comes in and alters the framework, it reduces it’s value. When the message to the fans is “everything matters until it doesn’t”, then fans start asking “then why should I care?”
  2. The Mandalorian isn’t actually that good of a show. I’d rate it a 7/10 at best. The only reason it got popular was because it was the “first Star Wars live action show” & Baby Yoda; both of which were novelties. On it’s own, it’s a boring, slowly paced, and lackluster story with boring environments/locations and characters. The best episodes are ones that feature characters from other material or tie into the larger story of the post-ROTJ New Canon.
  3. The existence of the Ahsoka’s TV series makes no sense. In my opinion after her duel with Darth Vader Ahsoka should not have appeared in any other series. The end of the second season of Rebels would have been perfect as the character’s ending, and I don’t think there was any need to put her in any other series anymore. That doesn’t mean they should have killed her. No. She could have survived the duel against Vader, but at the same time she should no longer appear anymore, because in my opinion after that duel there was nothing more to tell, the circle was complete. In fact, Ahsoka actually SURVIVED the duel against Vader. If you carefully observe the last scene of the last episode of the second season of Rebels you can notice that, after the duel against Vader, Ahsoka comes out of the Sith Temple. Later that scene was retroactively explained through the World between Worlds, but it was an unnecessary explanation. If they had just said that after the duel against Vader she survived and decided to live a quiet and happy life away from the great galactic conflicts, I honestly think it would have been much better than to resurrect her to infinity, put her in all the new series and over-exploiting the character. Deciding to continue the character’s story only damaged the character itself. I don’t know what you think, but the character I saw in The Mandalorian was not Ahsoka Tano, it was a completely different person who looks like Ahsoka and moves like Ahsoka, but who is NOT Ahsoka. They realized that Ahsoka = nostalgia = fan appreciation = money, and so they’re putting the character everywhere and consequently they’re ruining her. For me Ahsoka’s story ends with her duel against Vader. That’s all.
  4. TCW is vastly overrated by a large portion of the fanbase. It’s a good show and has some great arcs, but a lot of fans act like it’s the greatest thing ever made that you have to love. I cringe when I see them hyping it up to newer fans and pressuring them watch it. Sometimes they’re disappointed in it, or just not into it, then they get criticized for not loving it. Until Maul appears there’s hardly any forward thrust to the narrative, besides maybe Ahsoka’s development. That’s three whole seasons without a sense of direction. Every character just exists in a sort of stasis. Stories are told out of order, Ventress and Grievous never get a proper introduction to the heroes. I get that they’re random adventures, but for me personally it just doesn’t work at all. The later stuff mostly fixes this, and I still like the show as a whole - when the story takes off it goes to incredible heights! - but I’m kinda baffled by how loved it is. I get the impression that many fans act as if TCW is only season 7, forgetting all the show’s flaws. Again, I think it’s a very good show, but I think at the same time that saying it’s the best Star Wars we’ve got since The Empire Strikes Back is sheer madness. I honestly prefer the Clone Wars Multimedia Project over TCW: more impactful stories, better consistency with the films, Anakin actually having character development, Jedi are given more complex personalities that are explored. The Multimedia Project has is flaws too, but in my opinion is better than TCW.
  5. I think Meetra Surik deserved a better ending and didn’t get a fair treatment in the Revan novel and in The Old Republic MMO. However, I don’t think the Revan novel and The Old Republic ruined Revan, and although I don’t like the ending that was given to Meetra Surik I really appreciate the video game and the Revan novel, and I don’t understand why many within the KOTOR community hate SWTOR. I think it’s a very good video game with a very interesting plot. Honestly I like what SWTOR did with Revan and I find it much more interesting than a possible boring “Revan wins” ending.
  6. Creating a Sequel Trilogy doesn’t make any sense, no matter who created it. The Star Wars story is the story of the rise and fall of Anakin Skywalker, Anakin is the protagonist of the Saga. The moment the protagonist dies, then the Saga ends and there’s nothing more to say, there’s no need to continue. After the conclusion of the Prequel Trilogy and the realization of the Hexology no other films should have been created to continue the story of the Skywalker family, because the film story of the Skywalkers ended with Return of the Jedi. That’s it. The Disney Sequel Trilogy is a disaster, but even if it was George Lucas who created the Sequels it would be a mistake, because the Sequels shouldn’t exist regardless.