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Star Wars ANH-X (the eXtended version) (WIP) — Page 2


CamSMurph said:

Any deleted scenes you won’t be using?


Not planning to add
-extra scenes from luke and treadwell that are too rough and beyond restore (these are the close ups from I believe empire of dreams and very heavy tinted blue)
-alternate takes of the same scenes
-bigs and luke on Yavin where there is mention from squad leader that he flew with anakin
-There is quite a bit from the radio drama that just did not fit the feel or was really over the top extra


benduwan said:

kg1977 said:

benduwan said:

is there a list of deletet scenes you will use? i added some behind the scenes and pics for my version…

@banduwan, so what is your version?

my name is benduwan…😉 you should it downloadet,you recieve a pm for a week or so…

is it extended with deleted video + pictures where pictures fill when video does not exist or other?


I see it now…downloading…It’s in the RAR file…will check it out…thx


IlFanEditore said:

Sounds intriguing! I hope you’ll share some screenshots or clips, sooner or later 😉

Got some new After Effects Plugins for restoration at discount for black Friday sale. Here is some first samples using them on some tough scenes. The focus is pulling out the detail from shadows and boosting contrast. While I did use Adywan color grade version only as a base to compare, the actual “after” is from UHD downscaled to 1080P so get that hidden detail and then had to tweak the image color quite a bit to match what it should be. Technically these are detail enhancement verses color grading. For grading I may need to do some masking which is more work and later on in the process. On the deleted scene samples, there are no UHD versions so it is the 1080P of those. I plan to do Dust and scratch removal later and they will get some more misc enhancements, but that will require frame by frame work, so its more involved…just wanted to share some test so far. still moving on to try and finish the entire movie as far as full timeline as a first draft to work off of.



kg1977 said:

IlFanEditore said:

Sounds intriguing! I hope you’ll share some screenshots or clips, sooner or later 😉

Got some new After Effects Plugins for restoration at discount for black Friday sale. Here is some first samples using them on some tough scenes. The focus is pulling out the detail from shadows and boosting contrast. While I did use Adywan color grade version only as a base to compare, the actual “after” is from UHD downscaled to 1080P so get that hidden detail and then had to tweak the image color quite a bit to match what it should be. Technically these are detail enhancement verses color grading. For grading I may need to do some masking which is more work and later on in the process. On the deleted scene samples, there are no UHD versions so it is the 1080P of those. I plan to do Dust and scratch removal later and they will get some more misc enhancements, but that will require frame by frame work, so its more involved…just wanted to share some test so far. still moving on to try and finish the entire movie as far as full timeline as a first draft to work off of.


i think it´s a bit to bright and yellow.
adywan has done a good job with this.
remember,it´s a windowless room in the crawler that drive in the night.should more darkness…


benduwan said:

i think it´s a bit to bright and yellow.
adywan has done a good job with this.
remember,it´s a windowless room in the crawler that drive in the night.should more darkness…

@benduwan…take a look at the PDF again I had the wrong screen shots in there(you may need to hit refresh in case in cache.) For the Gonk I uploaded a bad correction that had way more yellow than it should have. Also there are two appearances of the Gonk in which one is better. I have added that one as well for comparison. Adywans recent color grade 1080 (not his current re-work) was used as the color reference so the green I have for the dome junk item in the foreground for the Gonk scene is closer to his green, but may still have some more tweaking later. Anyway, I think this corrected verison is much better than the first link you saw.

In regards to what should be seen for a scene that theoretically is pitch black (no windows at night etc). There are 2 camps of thought here.

  1. make the scene as dark as possible but can still make out main items of focus (gonk droid, maybe the green dome of junk, the floor, the foreground etc. - enhance colors seen (adywan current)

  2. The other (and my current take on it) is show as much of the lost hidden detail not recoverable for 44+ years due to not having the technology (UHD, software to pull detail out etc), while all still not making it over bright or hazy.

Also, as I am lucky enough to have a home theater projector, watching large really reveals more that may have been missed, but scenes that are very dark and low contrast struggle some times. 3D TV/projector version for viewing (planned) is tougher in addressing dark scenes, due to basically wearing sunglasses in addition, so I went for the option to show as much detail as can get away with, but still feel like it is inside/dark etc.

For the Sandcrawler inside at night scenes itself, I am just amazed at all the work of props that for the most part, you never saw before and that had to place or made by hand back then. Was a shame it has always been lost until now.

I do respect there are personal choices and those that may want more detail but darker for this particular scene than what I have currently, so I can safely say at this point, all it takes is to darken scenes a little more than they are with just a simple brightness/contrast adjust in your tool of choice. **Update: I posted a sample of the finished scene below and PM me if you want to full version to check out on your own equipment.

Thanks for your feedback! as I may have kept going forward and missed that color mistake I made until much later. Fan opinions are always much appreciated.


Here’s a 1K wide comparison (previewing in google has more compression than the final now complete as 1920 wide full res. Also, when comparing to Adywan’s excellent work, all I am doing is pulling out for detail from the UHD. The rest of the movie is probably fine using the 1080P master. I am not trying to claim a better compare, just different. In some respects some may prefer darker and not see the detail since it is a windowless room they are in, I felt this particular section deserved a UHD to HD conversion with extra attention for what I wanted to see and later I may try a hybrid using masking where shadows stay 100% black for best of both worlds. Curious to what other prefer.

PM me if anyone wants a link to the final source video.



Really interesting project! Excited to see the final result.


I have decided to make 3 versions since I am sure some will have different preferences. First 4 scenes of V1 should be ready in 4 weeks. (added two more scenes so bumps it back a little). Look for a link to view each March 7th

High level summary:

V1, Original vision for my “X series” of extended edits but no extra scenes that require live action shoots, props, digital composited sets or deepfake-type technology. In some cases, this will also include shorter planned versions of deleted scenes (but will include the deleted scenes). Will also omit most of the extra elements or shots planned to be added to these scenes.
V2, would be V3 minus all Rogue One bridging scenes, All extra radio drama scenes when in mos Eisley that would be new shoots. Starts with original crawl and above Tatooine.
V3-Original vision for this edit(see start of this tread) includes with bridge from Rogue One.

I will be giving focus to V1 first, as it will be the easiest to finish up and when that is done, I should have all the costumes, props and digital sets ready to continue on. Will still be doing some shots and early test now needed for V2,3… but did not want to hold things up with this. Detailed info below:

ANH-X V1 - 1st four extended scenes:

  1. Luke with treadwell on the surface - Scene fully restored and re-edited to fit proper pacing and audio (but not all audio) from radio drama version (saved for V2). Luke sees the ships from the surface. updated macro binocular view includes 1977 low end visuals of ships in the sky for now. Ends with Luke leaving in landspeeder to tell his friends.
  2. Droids looking for escape pod - Extended scene of droids looking for escape pod as taken from the Radio Drama, here there is more dialogue and extended scenes before they get in plus more dialogue inside the pod itself after launching.
  3. Troopers searching hallway doors immediately after entering Tantive - extra scene, gives a sense that the troopers are checking each door first before proceeding through the halls - laser bolts added here. Scene will be restored of dust and scratches.
  4. Droids in the desert - Longer scene of the droids after they land with slightly more cuts and different angles. Edited to accommodate the extra dialogue

Some progress on this…

To refresh your memory about this project, it is ANH (Adywan version as base w/~45 additional scenes (New from radio drama, deleted restored etc.) I mentioned prior that I was going to release some clips beginning of March but of course are behind as restoring deleted scenes that have dust, scratches and color fix is taking far more time than I thought. The Luke and treadwell scene is a nightmare…probably the worst of the deleted to try and restore, However; making progress and are about 85% through it. As such, I will need a few more weeks for the first draft of this scene …see below description:

• Luke w/treadwell on the surface
Essentially the deleted scene, but fully restored and re-edited to fit proper pacing of where it would go in the film + significantly more audio courtesy of the radio drama version. Luke sees the ships from the surface and includes an updated macrobinocular view & few more shots of treadwell and Version 2 of this to come later and will have Luke from a few different angles to improve the flow of this scene + improved binocular view with ships instead of the 1977 triangles representation of 2 ships? Scebe ends with Luke leaving in landspeeder to tell his friends what he has seen.

Below are some more links to some finished extra scenes that are completed:
Note: Google drive 1080P does not represent true 1080P clarity (to say the least)

-Troopers search hallway doors immediately after entering the Tantive Compare to original cut

-Troopers search hallway doors compare to original unrestored version
Extra deleted scene of troopers searching hallway doors immediately after entering Tantive. Gives a sense that the troopers are checking each door first before proceeding through the halls - laser bolts added here, dust and scratch removal etc.

Extended scene of droids looking for escape pod as taken from the Radio Drama, here there is more dialogue and extended scenes before they get in plus more dialogue inside the pod itself after launching.

Note:some of the comparison with the original scene varies from actual original version in that it is always a challenge to compare an extended version with slightly different edit choices and keep the audio for both in sync. With that disclaimer, know that the “original” consist of maybe 95% and of what purist know as the “original” and is not intended to be a 1:1, but close to see a before and after and in respect to what is added in the “X” version


kg1977 said:

Some progress on this…

To refresh your memory about this project, it is ANH (Adywan version as base w/~45 additional scenes (New from radio drama, deleted restored etc.) I mentioned prior that I was going to release some clips beginning of March but of course are behind as restoring deleted scenes that have dust, scratches and color fix is taking far more time than I thought. The Luke and treadwell scene is a nightmare…probably the worst of the deleted to try and restore, However; making progress and are about 85% through it. As such, I will need a few more weeks for the first draft of this scene …see below description:

• Luke w/treadwell on the surface
Essentially the deleted scene, but fully restored and re-edited to fit proper pacing of where it would go in the film + significantly more audio courtesy of the radio drama version. Luke sees the ships from the surface and includes an updated macrobinocular view & few more shots of treadwell and Version 2 of this to come later and will have Luke from a few different angles to improve the flow of this scene + improved binocular view with ships instead of the 1977 triangles representation of 2 ships? Scebe ends with Luke leaving in landspeeder to tell his friends what he has seen.

Below are some more links to some finished extra scenes that are completed:
Note: Google drive 1080P does not represent true 1080P clarity (to say the least)

-Troopers search hallway doors immediately after entering the Tantive Compare to original cut

-Troopers search hallway doors compare to original unrestored version
Extra deleted scene of troopers searching hallway doors immediately after entering Tantive. Gives a sense that the troopers are checking each door first before proceeding through the halls - laser bolts added here, dust and scratch removal etc.

Extended scene of droids looking for escape pod as taken from the Radio Drama, here there is more dialogue and extended scenes before they get in plus more dialogue inside the pod itself after launching.

Note:some of the comparison with the original scene varies from actual original version in that it is always a challenge to compare an extended version with slightly different edit choices and keep the audio for both in sync. With that disclaimer, know that the “original” consist of maybe 95% and of what purist know as the “original” and is not intended to be a 1:1, but close to see a before and after and in respect to what is added in the “X” version

So, here’s my feedback: The two scenes with the droids are great, fantastic! Excellent editing, bravo to you sir! BUT, and this is a strong but, I can’t say I’m a fan of the extended Tantive IV chase. It is very obvious once you see the new wall, there is noticeable tracing around the troopers and helmets, and there is still a lot of grain left behind.

“No one is born ugly, we just live in a judgmental society.”- Kim Namjoon


Grand Master_ Luke Flywalker said:
“but, I can’t say I’m a fan of the extended Tantive IV chase. It is very obvious once you see the new wall, there is noticeable tracing around the troopers and helmets, and there is still a lot of grain left behind.”

Yes, that is a tough scene and the outlines are a rotoscoping thing that that I am getting better with since. Can be fixed, but it would take too much to remove all the fuzzyness that is really the problem with that scene. Alot of grain is removed, but it still is not a crisp image as it is B roll and from I can tell probably a very cheap stock of film compared to the final. There are extra deleted scenes with the sand people that seem to use the same stock of film (unfortunate when that was what they used for a B roll). The wall is the actual wall cleaned, but there is a point where it is hard to merge into the shot with action (smoke etc). I may revisit when I see what this looks like on projector screen. It might be that I shorten it greatly so much that I take the clearest best part and leave in maybe some more digital smoke. Maybe trim the whole scene to just a few sec. It is almost a scene that needs a re-shoot of costume troopers and composited work of that to sell it, but I do not think the scene is that spectacular for that kind of effort. I know there are folks that want every deleted scene possible, so this is one others could keep or cut once I post the full frame of these are they finished. It’s probably as good as its going to get after some edge tweaks I can do, but might be awhile as I am moving on to more important and cleaner quality scenes for now…I do appreciate the feedback! Glad you like the others.


kg1977 said:

Some progress on this…

-Troopers search hallway doors immediately after entering the Tantive Compare to original cut

like this

Extended scene of droids looking for escape pod as taken from the Radio Drama, here there is more dialogue and extended scenes before they get in plus more dialogue inside the pod itself after launching.

in the empire of dreams is a alternate scene of this.isn´t there usefull scenes for extend?

i´m a fan of " more is better " and it seems good but i think c-3po is talking too much (and too fast?) in this scene.maybe cut a few sec?

Note:some of the comparison with the original scene varies from actual original version in that it is always a challenge to compare an extended version with slightly different edit choices and keep the audio for both in sync. With that disclaimer, know that the “original” consist of maybe 95% and of what purist know as the “original” and is not intended to be a 1:1, but close to see a before and after and in respect to what is added in the “X” version

like to see more…😃
good job so far.


Thanks benduwan and DarthTzetzo


Posting final 1920 w Resolution scenes for the first 3 from last week for those that may want. Currently still working on luke/treadwell and Toshe Station #1 deleted scenes.

-Troopers search hallway doors on Tantive

-Droids looking for the escape pod

-Droids in the desert


kg1977 said:

Posting final 1920 w Resolution scenes for the first 3 from last week for those that may want. Currently still working on luke/treadwell and Toshe Station #1 deleted scenes.

-Troopers search hallway doors on Tantive

Honestly, I think it may be best if we leave this scene behind.

-Droids looking for the escape pod

Love it!

-Droids in the desert

It goes randomly quiet at 0:10-0:11, but besides that, everything is great! Love the echo added to 3P0’s lines, did you do that or was that already in the radio drama?

“No one is born ugly, we just live in a judgmental society.”- Kim Namjoon


Grand Master_ Luke Flywalker said:

Honestly, I think it may be best if we leave this scene behind.

Yea I’ll probably see how it is when all is done …More than likely will shorten the scene, maybe keep only when they file. Also doing the film in full Stereo 3D, so will see when I get to that point if it works or not. 3D is somewhat forgiving when it comes to little flaws or textural differences. Yes, you do see quite a difference in look and in retrospect not that important of a scene to keep maybe.

-Droids in the desert> >
It goes randomly quiet at 0:10-0:11, but besides that, everything is great! Love the echo added to 3P0’s lines, did you do that or was that already in the radio drama?

Fixed the @10 sec spot audio drop and did re-link in the post…yes was just a glitch …thx for pointing it out!..Yes added some echo as was playing around with some features as I am just scratching the surface with surround editing. FYI if you listen on a 5.1 the back speakers should be mostly wind 😃


Luke & Treadwell Deleted scene ANH -X, finally complete

Kind of excited about this one as it seems like it has taken as long as doing an entire short film even though it is only 53 seconds.
This is my first deleted restoration scene and it has been a long road as it is quite possibly one of the worst ANH color scenes as far as far as image quality (The troopers in hallway might be close). This scene needs no introduction and from what I can tell, was how ANH was supposed to start(cut due to the opening battle more exciting). Still, it introduces Luke’s boring farm life and somewhat odd ability to understand droids. Scene starts as the battle is happening and some first shots are exchanged between the two ships. Obviously, ends with Luke speeding off the tell Fixer and the gang.
I will later have a transitional scene that is a longer bridge to him making his way to Toshi Station, but for now this is my attempt to restore this scene. I used what I saw was the best version of this as a base, which had come along way from when I first saw it on “Behind The Magic” CD-rom @ 640 X 480 (I still have my copy of that 😃 ).


  • Footage cut into the story to make it fit and pacing such that it feels like it could have made it in as an Introduction to Luke.
  • Removed thousands of dust particles and scratches.
  • Rotoscoping everywhere and clean background plate made
  • Adobe AI JPG artifact removal and smoothing of some stray blockiness
  • Re-texture of land speeder panels using original imagery maps to video and correct perspective
  • Image enhancement/contrast color grade fixes.
  • Music added and original sound kept where applicable.
  • Extra dialog from Mark’s performance in the Radio Drama of this scene
  • Adywan Binocular template and CG scrambled image to closely match the macrobonocular scanlines of the ships (Triangles)

I do plan to revisit this later for the following updates, but right now I need to move on + I am kind of burned out from this one as the rotoscoping and all the dust removal gets monotinous after a while.

  • Will replace binocular view with original template overlay since I have it now and replace triangle ships with actual ships + make it looked zoomed in/different in size compared to when you see without Binocs.
  • I now have a Droid caller, Macrobinoculars, Luke’s hat/goggles and Luke’s belt props, so will do some texturing fix where these replace the same that is blurry
  • Possible treadwell revisit to improve more
  • Possible extra scenes from a different angle to split things up more and only a single “through the binocular view”
  • downloads now are with a 5.1 track, but this was not really edited for correct surround, so a proper 5.1 or better re-edit will be later.

Two versions for you to watch or download (comparison and full scene 1920 pixels)
For the comparison (like others I have done), I have the before and after edited side by side and in sync as close as I can. There really was no original scene here, so it’s more just so you can get a feel of the before and after.

Hope you enjoy.


-Next up, (and it’s 90% done)….3PO wanders the desert alone and Beru makes blue milk and extra radio drama breakfast at the lars meal table.


Keineidee2004 said:


is there some footage ready to watch?

nothing new, moved over to some Indy films and trying to finished ESB. Hoping to get back on this in late summer and try to get 40% of the way. Lost a hardrive a few months back which did not help