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D U N E - D E L U X E E D I T I O N ( R E L E A S E D ) — Page 3


Bro this looks really good…really liked your blade runner fanedit…Can you please PM me a link to this edit?


Love to see your take if I could get a link. Thanks!


Been looking everywhere to watch this. Anyone know where to find it?


I would adore a PM link to this version, thank you! 🙏✨


This looks like a great approach to keeping all scenes -
Interesting to see the DUNE-2021 more interesting scenes, were the same ones that hit the cutting room floor in the DUNE-1984.

Can you DM me a link, as I may be able to enhance the video quality and fix their rushed compositing (i have a vfx background)


Omg I am in heaven right now! _________ At first I was looking at the various
Dune fan edits after discovering the awesome Dune: The Alternative Edition Redux by Spice Diver (Omg I wish there was a FHD version). But then I discover 15 MaF’s edit and it kind of answers what I was looking for ^^. I haven’t watched it yet but I really look forward too. On top of that I noticed that 15 MaF made an omnibus / edit version of one of my favorite sci fi anime series, Texhnolyze. I was blown away by this discovery as I had already planned to revisit the anime @____@. Anyways thank you sooooooooo much 15 MaF for bestowing upon us mere mortals such incredible gems! Looking forward to discover more wonderful edits^^. Thank you for all the hard work n___n Your work shall be heard through out my fellow Dune and anime fans! XD


I’ve been looking at this film again and there is an awful lot of Issues to Digest. I still have not seen this edit but I hope to soon… Heres a few observations of the TV cut sort of being Lynch Version but also the THeatrical cut not really also being the Lynch version.

The Opening Narration - Although Good seems like it should be intercut with Show don’t tell images or footage whilst the “hidden away within the rocks are a people known as the Fremen” should be spoken in the part where they land on Arrakis as in the TV Version. This gap would then potentially be filled with alternate dialogue possibly regarding the bene geserit and the guild. So the opening Narration is actually an edit which removed Irulan Naration from extended footage to lose other information from what should have been said and accompanying images.

Irulan Talking of the Red Sapho Juice and mentats should probably go in the place of the audio repeat of “It is by will alone I set my mind in motion” aboard the cable car.

As Paul Atreides is looking at the film book on Caladan once his mentors enter the room it should focus on the planet “Beneth thielax training planet of the mentats” then back to freddie Jones looking angry cut then with the audio "Know a mentat by his red stained lips. Cut back to Paul "I know Thuffer I heard you, Gurney (cut to patrick stewart from TV Version) and Yueh (cut to dean stockwell from TV version) coming down the hall. Then finally Freddie Jonnes “Those sounds could be imitated.”

It should also be noted that the TV cut seems to correctly place the Spice Harvester footage from film book on Arrakis in Pauls Room also “Weather See storms” should be accompanied by sand storm storm footage not english text. So that actually should be excised from it’s placement on Caladan But the see storms part stays on Caladan.

The final filmbook sequence for when Duke Leto visits his son Is Regarding Sandworms to complete this sequence it would be possible to lift the Audio from the TV mini series as there is a Filmbook on worms in that. and show footage of worms.

During the Guild Navigator sequence on Kaitain there is a shot from within the tank looking at the emperor but there is no gas in the tank missing special effects.

I also noted an issue with when the Navigators Tank unlock the sound of the Tank unlocking is placed over Reverend mother Mohiam rather than on the actual Tank so I’m assuming there is shots in the wrong order here.

Upon Helen Guias Mohim saying "we need to have a look at Paul Atreides on Caldan the TV version shows ships taking off reused footage but the script states shots of the Universe now here is the thing I think the shots of Space and Pauls Dream is meant to be joined together or interwoven if you like, with some editing but of note because paul’s dreams are premonition based it seems seeing Feyed and muttering “I will kill you” is too early meaning that this should have shown Chani and the Reverand mother with fire and water. Also I would put Caladan as the opening of the film no secret report then we go to Kaitain after Duke Leto talks to Paul. The only way to make this correctly play out is to start the film on Caladan then go to Kaitain for the Guild visiting the Emperor and then Pauls Dream intercut with Space and water and dream images removing the secret report within the guild as it is redundant.

When Duke Leto and Paul talk a Harkonnen flag is seen as Paul looks up rather than the green Atredies flag Lynch must have been pissed! weather this was to be Duncan leaving for Arrakis in a ship? I don’t know…But it’s really bad.

From this TV version of trip to Caladan the extended footage of Reverend mother in the chair may have been where Jessica inner monologue talking of the Test and losing her son was meant to go rather than as she has this before she knows what the reason for the vist was all about. There is also a shot of Lightning Striking at the very end of the TV version in the sky. This shot I believe to be caladan storm so when the Reverend mother exclaims “He is Here” we cut to the Lightning Strike then to the Reverend mother in the chair then Jessica opening the door. Important that Mohiam and Jessica first go to pauls room and then talk about everything else.

When Duke Leto stamps the message for the Baron with the signet ring “Herald of the change” Note that the cylinder would resemble a highliner. It is possible that the cylinder was to fade through into a highliner above Geidi prime. It feels like an obvious visual cue the TV cut has a painting of the planet.

So in Pauls Room when he has the Spice vision in the script it states Paul dead on a stone Floor… This is the vision of Feyed “I will kill you” into the hunter seeker appearing from the wall. So it seems that they messed with the premonitions too as they are not in the correct order or sequence of premonition.

Some shots of shadout mapes creeping about where meant to go before the door opens and paul saves her from the hunter seeker.

The expanded soundtrack “secrets of the fremen” is the music for when Shadoubt mapes gives the Crysknife to Jessica when she screams I feel that a shot of a worm transparent overlayed as she yells for the understanding of “The maker”

The expanded soundtrack “The Fremen” is for Jamis funeral but segways in to Liets Kynes death and his still suit being ripped apart.

When Paul and Jessica are being taken to the desert to be eaten by the worms The shots of the cliffs below as the fight on the ship ensues are missing the model of the Harkonan Ornithopter ship
When Paul get’s control of the Harkonen ship after they hit the cliff it feels like the next scene of them in the cockpit was an insert and a poor one at that. It felt like Jessica shouting “Leto he’s dead” and Paul saying “I know” could all be done via audio while we see Paul from behind struggling with the controls. Now we can join the footage of the actual crash excising all the clunky inner monologue about altitude and getting to rocks… Upon leaving the ship “This crash might bring a worm” is another insert originally it was “hurry these men will have watchers” which tallies up with Piters remark “Continue reconnaissance” So we can assume that they were hiding from other ships for a while although this is never shown. It’s unclear weather Leto.s death was meant o be aboard the Ornithopter or when they get to the safety of rock and Paul has his visions.

Mother Ramallo exclaiming the prophecy would originally be placed after the crash rather than when they first arrive at Arrakis.

Then the film sort of plays out ok from here on out somewhat so sorry for the long post on observations but it just feels like it needs putting right and actually dissecting what the substituted was and what was moved about.

The secret report within the guild was actually meant to do with the guild visiting the emperor the second time without the 3rd stage navigator and was to be not Kyle Mcglaughan voice.

There is couple more shifted footage that I can cite the emperor was to arrive on Arrakis whilst Paul takes the water of life (removing ship on the echo “we come for you”) hence bene gesserit having the nose bleeds at exactly the same time Mohiam, Alia and Jessica. Also the shot of Alia with the Crysknife is before she is taken hostage by the Sandarkar not the Fremen Victory end of the battle.

I think that is about all I figured out so far.

I just watched your edit and it was enjoyable the thing I liked the most was the music score being restored more so than any visual updates although I do think you did a good job with the look of this version it was not however the highlight. I really think the standout moments were the box music restored the gurney halleck speech music score and to also state the jamis fight was very good music restoration also.

You might be pleased that I just figured out the extended soundtrack “the betrayal / shields down” is missing music for the hunter seeker scene whilst the end part is for when the shields are down after Leto is shot.


This looks incredible. Could I also get a link, please? Cheers!


Slightly embarrassed to say Dune is probably my favorite movie. Can you please PM me a link? Many thanks.


Huge fan of the Lynch version, especially the Toto score. Any chance you could PM a link please - yet to check out the remake 😃


Huge Dune fan. I’ve seen the Spice Diver version, would love to check out your take. Looks amazing. Can you send a link so I can check it out. Cheers!


Is it still possible to get a link for this gem, please ?
Thanks in advance.


You probably know by now Lionsgate, DUNE’s international rights holder, has sanctioned the release of the SpiceDiver edit of the film for issue with the 7-disc box set now available only in Germany by Koch Films. In response, we may see even more “definitive” fan edits of the film pop up at any moment.

“Hear you nothing that I say?”


hiphats said:

You probably know by now Lionsgate, DUNE’s international rights holder, has sanctioned the release of the SpiceDiver edit of the film for issue with the 7-disc box set now available only in Germany by Koch Films. In response, we may see even more “definitive” fan edits of the film pop up at any moment.

I doubt that it would be at all possible as a fan edit because to make a definitive version you would need to have in hand all of the unreleased footage and audio. It is with Both the Studio and David Lynch only a definitive version could be made.

What do you know of the version that has not been released? You are quoted on Duneinfo of knowing about certain scenes that were filmed not in the script regarding Nefud and the Lobotomy scene. Were you close to the production?

I have tried to make sense of the structure or intended structure and what goes where and MAF15 Deluxe version does a better job than Spicediver in terms of restoring rather than so much fan editing. But yeah both are good.

I suppose no definitive version exists yet. Will Lynch and the Studio do the proper Directors cut thing?


I too would be interested in a link to your hard work please, mate…

“Did you know, the word ‘gullible’ is not in the dictionary?! Look it up.”


This sounds incredible, exactly what I have been dreaming of. Would very much appreciate a PM if possible.


Congratulations on this tremendous work. I would love to receive a link to enjoy it, thanks in advance!


This is an amazing work! Wow, just wow! Spent some time reading all the details of your version and I was blown away from the meticulousness and dedication to the project!

I would kindly ask for a link with pm. Again, a masterpiece of hard work!


Have you got a link to a copy of this version - I’ve tried sending 15 MaF a PM but have heard nothing back? Thanks

Pulsewidth said:

Well! Just finished watching your edit of DUNE and I have to say, the is now THE definitive version for me. I think you’ve done a brilliant job here, considering what you had to work with.
First off, I have never seen the extended version. I had kind of avoided it, as I’m not the biggest fan of putting material from the cutting floor back into a film to create a so-called ‘extended version’ (Gladiator is a prime example of this), unless is it a change authorised by the director (but, then again, uh… take the Redux version of Apocalpyse Now - oh dear). However, I felt that the additions you’ve made here only serve to give an epic film an even grander scale. It was tastefully done, I felt, and the inclusion of more dialogue gave the film a more well-rounded feel. I particularly enjoyed seeing more of Stilgar; really like the way Everett McGill plays it.
I only watched the Blu ray version a few months ago for the very first time and hadn’t picked up on most of the issues you’ve highlighted in your edit, save the obvious contrast issues with the composites. It’s always had the worn 80’s sci-fi look about it. But I’ve just gone back and played the 2 versions (original, and yours) side-by-side, to look at the edit differences. And it is shocking. The Bluray is far too dark, for one thing. And your sound mix is also far richer.
The dialogue edits were also tastefully done. A snip here and there, and it all just comes together nicely. Likewise, the opticals: exchanging desert shots for more realistic ones, for example, and even the addition of wire mesh to the windows of Piter’s cable car. A small detail, perhaps easily overlooked by the casual viewer, but as a completionist, I thought it was an inspired bit of work! You also did your best to equalise the various contrast issues with FX elements. And Paul’s fall from the cliff was, as you said, comical. I’ve always been annoyed by how far it went on, like a Warner Bros cartoon, so good edit there.
I truly loved the replacement of the score at the end of the film with the ‘Final Dream’ piece, though. That did it for me. Really packed an emotional punch, that. It really pumps up the whole messianic ending.
I’d only mention a couple of criticisms:
The colour grading throughout was expertly done. But I found the brightness in your edit was a touch too high, which created a bit of a washed-out look to some scenes. Again, working with the source material you had, I think you did the best you could there. I think maybe I’ve been spoiled by films in a 4K HDR scan!
I wasn’t too keen on the expanded section during the arrival at Arrakis. The dialogue spoken over the newly-added, and beautiful, desert shots just repeated stuff we’ve already heard earlier in the film - in much the same way as that infamously unnecessary scene with Jabba in Star Wars ANH SE. I defo preferred the original cut: short and to the point. But it’s a personal preference, as I say.
The dialogue in the final fight scene between Paul & Feyd was very echoey on your edit, and was lost a little in the sound mix. Again, the original’s mix wasn’t that great either, but in this version it was quite jarring. Your addition of the chanting/drums, however, was absolutely spot-on. (The dialogue did fade under the weight of the music on a few other occasions, but I can’t specify where).
Personally, I would also have edited out as much of Paul Smith’s over-the-top ‘villainous’ laughter as possible 😉
To sum up: a LOT of work has gone into this edit, and it really REALLY shows. Your attention to detail is to be commended, sir. But it has certainly highlighted one thing: this film needs a proper restoration from the negative. And it deserves it, too. It’s a cult classic, right up there with Blade Runner, I’d say. Not only because of the dated FX shots, the colourisation, and the lighting. But also the completely out-of-focus/blurry shots scattered throughout the film. If David Lynch isn’t interested in doing a revision of this particular work (which I very much believe is the case), then I think you should definitely be involved with whoever takes it on, even if only as a consultant! Hats off to you, sir, and thanks again! 😃 pw


Any way this could be uploaded to MySpleen? I was sent a link for this a while ago, but for some reason I never got it to download completely. If that’s possible, thanks in advance!


Wow. A lot to take in with your encyclopedic notes. Sounds very intriguing. I have a few other edits, but the decisions you have made sound really different. I’d very much appreciate a link to download and will follow your original instructions by PM’ing my request as well. Thank you. I forgot to mention I also own the physical media to the original film.