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Post #67422

Look Sir. Droids
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MagnoliaFan Edits: Ep I "Balance Of The Force", and Ep II "The Clone War" (Released)
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Date created
25-Sep-2004, 11:56 PM

the conversation between anakin and qui-gon *is* really important. and i'm glad you didn't cut it. you're right.

i just finished watching the clone war (attack of the clones magnoliafan style). i REALLY REALLY like the added scenes of padme's family. it made her seem human. i was sorry to see the shot of jango fett using two blasters cut. i understand why you did it, but i always thought it was pretty bad ass. and i was also sorry to see obi-won's girl joke was cut. again, i understand.. but it was a bit of humor that GL didn't totally barf all over. unlike the "i'm quite beside myself" line, which did make the cut (though i'd gladly give you my first born in thanks for cutting "oh this is such a drag." thank you. endlessly.

and for one, i LOVE the yellow sabre. bravo.

and the sound bite at the end, after the credits.