On comes the pc police to tell me that my childhood was bad? They can go fuck themselves!
And YOU can go fuck YOURSELF, you racist piece of shit.
There are tons of cartoons that don’t portray Caucasian folks in a flattering matter. Characters ranging from Elmer J Fudd and Yosemite Sam to the likes of Beavis and Butt Head. No one ever complains about those or censors those.
White people are stereotyped LESS than people of different races, you Repuglicunt.
In my view, feeling “uncomfortable” watching an uncensored Pastoral Symphony is exactly what is wrong with this nation and the world in general.
It’s come to a point where nothing can be done for fear of offending. Look at Apu from the Simpsons for instance! It’s enraging to even think about. But of course NO complaints about Cletus Spuckler and his family.
Fuck you. The uncensored Pastoral Symphony is racist, but it deserves to be shown so that we can teach our children about racism in our past, why it was wrong, and what can be done to prevent racism in the future. That’s how to ACTUALLY be politically correct.