If you wanted to leave the hallway scene, you could just move the bit where the crew is downloading the plans onto the floppy disk and place it after the hallway scene. In this way it is assumed that the plans needed to be transferred to disc before being hand-delivered to the transmission site on the ship (or perhaps the primary comms were damaged and they need to use a backup, whatever). Then you could have a shot establishing the Tantive IV on the opposite side of Scarif or in deep space like RJ suggested receiving the plans and jumping to Hyperspace.
Post #1452924
- Author
- NeverarGreat
- Parent topic
- Why Rogue One doesn't work well as a prequel to Star Wars
- Link to post in topic
- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/1452924/action/topic#1452924
- Date created
- 14-Oct-2021, 8:13 AM