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Post #66942

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STAR WARS DVD Producer Van Ling answers the tough questions!
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Date created
24-Sep-2004, 5:37 AM

Originally posted by: b4bishop

It's George Lucas' position that he is making the versions of the films that he always wanted to make, and that as the original artist, he has that right.

I keep hearing this totally erroneous comment, and no one ever takes either Lucas or his moron entourage up on it.

George Lucas DID NOT direct, write, produce, edit, act or otherwise contribute to the actual creation of the Empire Strikes Back or Return of the Jedi movies. He simply got a stupid "Story and Characters By" credit, which in Hollywood basically means you wrote the first movie.

Lucas really only OWNS the last two movies, and just like Turner and his colorized versions, is seeking to change the vision of the script writers, the directors, the editors, the actors, the producer and all the other people who created ESB and ROTJ. It's pretty obvious this is his way of putting the "Lucas Stamp" on these exceptional movies, and Georgie The Hack just doesn't match up to that kind of talent.

That my friends, is pure, unadulterated ego.