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Post #1448199

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Help needed! Kenner DROIDS and Ewok Battle Wagon commercials
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Date created
10-Sep-2021, 8:28 AM

I wish I had them mate - love watching the old commercials for old Star Wars toys and the like.

This Droids & Ewoks site http://droidsandewoks.weebly.com may be of some help and worth asking the people who run it. They seem pretty knowledgeable and good people - perhaps they know of someone who may have them?

It maybe worth reaching out to the people who wrote the old article on the official site - Pete Vilmur, Gus Lopez, Duncan Jenkins - see if they are on social media, and are contactable?

I think Pete Vilmur is still at Lucasfilm - it maybe worth asking them to include the videos again on any future Ewoks and Droids articles and content up on the official site or social media pages?

Good luck with it SKot - hope you find them. 👍