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Post #66773

Darth Chaltab
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I'm Ashamed To Admit It...But The New Box Set (2004 OT DVD SE release)
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Date created
23-Sep-2004, 12:55 PM
I've been in school and therefore unable to sit down and watch the movies, but I have scanned through ANH and Jedi for the changes. For some reason my enter key isn't working, so forgive the lack of paragraphs. First thing I noticed was that everything is really freaking shiny. from Vader's helmet to 3pO, the lighting enhancement is way overdone. The Greedo scene looks marginaly better, but now Han shoots over the table rather than under it. The angles on many of the Blaster shots are still off, and this one stands out as particularly bad. Now for Jabba... Well.. I Don't like him. The lighting is severly off, and the texturing makes him look almost furry rather than leathery. Motion and interaction-wise, he's an improvement over the 97 version, but it still isn't quite right. And yeah, Luke's saber in the Falcon is mint green. Also, in Vader and Obiwan's duel, there is a very annoying yellow flash every time their blades collide. Uhg... As for Jedi, (I havent exammined Empire yet), The removal of the Eyebrows and Inclusion of Naboo are fairly seamless and quite welcom for continuity purposes, IMO. But the additon of HC as Anikan is a different story. I understand the change, and wasn't hating the concept of the change. But the executions is not what I expected. In the original version and SE, Yoda and Ben look to their right and the camera pans left to show Anakin's ghost fade-in overa period of a few seconds. In the new version, Hayden fades in very quickly, and then Yoda and Ben look over after the fact. Again, I don't hate it... It will just take some getting used to.