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Post #1440860

Hal 9000
Parent topic
The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)
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Date created
22-Jul-2021, 7:19 PM

We’d kicked around modifying TLJ but I really don’t want to.

The retcon of her parents being Palpatine flavored is one thing, but we’re trying to make it fit in better by reducing the double repression.

“You were right, they were no one… I’ll tell you what happened to them and why.” (No direct mention of selling her to protect her, so there’s not the implication she’s repressing something further about that.)

The only line remaining that muddies that slightly modified angle is “You remember more than you say.” It implies she’s keeping something down, and it isn’t clear what it might be.

In TFA and TLJ Rey believes her parents were ‘noble’ and loved her, then “admits” they were deadbeats and feels some consolation in the confession that she shouldn’t keep looking for them and move on. Then when their memory is tapped into in TROS she gets angry and tries to fight away the pain, recalling that yes indeed they loved her very much and all.