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Post #65482

Darth Chaltab
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Dude, where's the General Lee?
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Date created
20-Sep-2004, 4:25 AM
Who thinks that Hilary Clinton will run in 2008? Wouldn't surprise me any.

But seriously, I think this needs to be said. No one is beeing the thought police around here. Luke can think whatever the Kessel he wants about Jessica Simpson. He only hurts himself in the longrun.

But there has to be a balace. Thinking precedes saying, and saying precedes doing. What a man (or women, for the Politically Correct) thinks, so he is. I belive in freedom of speach but freedom and responsibility go together. Luke's thoughts simply don't need to be vocalized (or put in text in this case).

It isn't a matter of censorship or mysogony, it is just goes against common decency to let every perveted thought one has out into the world. If you must think it, keep it to yourself.

*Steps off soap-box*