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Post #75909

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My Generation Rocks!!
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Date created
5-Nov-2004, 11:57 AM

Originally posted by: Darth Chaltab
Um. Star, I think that was a bad analogy.

Jimmy Carter is not a bad man--he was a bad president. Besides driving up inflation, he also was very naive when it came to foreign affairs--and he also lost our ally in Iran, The Shah.

And winning a Nobel prize doesn't really say much.
Did not Mikhail Gorbachev also win one?

Well, I wouldn't know, as I only know Carter for his work after he left the white house, I am not familiar with his administration. Gorbachev did deserve the Nobel prize, yes.

A Nobel prize dosen't really say much?! And what does, a Grammy? So I guess Eminem gave the world a better contribution than, let's say, professor John Nash. I mean, he had all those newspapers laying around his home, and he did all those... uh, math things, and... gave the oportunity for Russel Crowe to get an Oscar, and... uh... Well I suppose you're right.